Results for the Show 2008 Show.

350Older Stock Ram to have reared lambs in the Year of the Show
351Shearling Ram.
352Ram Lamb, trimmed.
353Ram Lamb, untrimmed - tails may be squared.
354Pair of Ram Lambs, untrimmed.
C130Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit.
355Breeding Flock Ewe to have reared lambs in the Year of the Show
356Shearling Ewe.
357Ewe Lamb, trimmed.
358Single Ewe Lamb, untrimmed, not entered in pair class.
359Pair of Ewe Lambs, untrimmed.
360Group of Three Sheep, from the same flock, comprising a male and two females, entered in the above c
C131Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit.
C132Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve), the ALFA LAVAL Perpetual Challenge Trophy and engraved Glass p
S180£30 for the Best Animal in the above classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is based at The John Jiggens Trophy for the Suffolk Sheep Club members