Results for the Show 2008 Show.

Hampshire Down
361Shearling Ram, shorn bare on or after 1st January 2008, can be shown trimmed.
362Ram Lamb, born on or after 1st December 2007
363Ram Lamb, born on or after 1st December 2007, untrimmed except for head and tail.
C133Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Male exhibit.
364Ewe, any age, having reared lambs in the current year.
365Shearling Ewe, shorn bare on or after 1st January 2008, can be shown trimmed.
366Ewe Lamb, born on or after 1st December 2007.
367Ewe Lamb, born on or after 1st December 2007, untrimmed except for head and tail.
C134Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Female exhibit.
C135Championship Sash and £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the Hampshire Down classes.
S181£30 for the Best Animal in the above classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is based at