Results for the Show 2008 Show.
Ridden and Working Hunters
71 | Light Weight Hunter, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, capable of carrying up to 12 stone 7lb | 72 | Middle Weight Hunter, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, capable of carrying 12 stone 7lbs. an | 73 | Heavy Weight Hunter, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, capable of carrying over 14 stone. | 74 | Small Hunter, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, exceeding 148cm (14.2 hh), but not exceeding | C26 | Championship Rosette & Card and the MAJOR W HARKER Memorial Perpetual Challenge Bowl, presented by the daughte | 75 | Ladies' Hunter, Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, to be ridden sidesaddle by a lady. | C27 | Championship Rosette & Card and the GENTLEMAN JIM Silver Challenge Cup, presented by Mr W Benson, f |