Results for the Show 2009 Show.
345 | Stock Ram, two shear or over | 346 | Shearling Ram. | 347 | Single Ram Lamb, carded and trimmed | 348 | Single Ram Lamb, untrimmed - tails may be squared. | 349 | Pair of Ram Lambs, untrimmed. | C125 | Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit. | 350 | Breeding Flock Ewe to have reared lambs in the Year of the Show | 351 | Shearling Ewe. | 352 | Single Ewe Lamb, carded and trimmed. | 353 | Single Ewe Lamb, untrimmed, not entered in pair class. | 354 | Pair of Ewe Lambs, untrimmed. | 355 | Group of Three Sheep, from the same flock, comprising a male and two females, entered in the above c | C126 | Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit. | C127 | Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve), the ALFA LAVAL Perpetual Challenge Trophy and engraved Glass p | S186 | £30 for the Best Animal in the above classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is based at
The John Jiggens Trophy for the Suffolk Sheep Club members |