Results for the Show 2009 Show.

Any Other Pure Breed
420Shearling Ram.
421Ram, two shear or over.
422Ram Lamb.
C158Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
423Ewe, any age, having reared lambs in the year of the Show.
424Shearling Ewe.
425Single Ewe Lamb.
C159Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C160Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S206£30, for the Best Animal in the British Down classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is b
S207Rosette presented by the Oxford Down Sheep Breeders Association for the Best Exhibit of that breed i
426Ram, two shear or over.
427Shearling Ram.
428Ram Lamb.
C161Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
429Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
430Shearling Ewe.
431Single Ewe Lamb.
C162Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C163Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S208£30, for the Best Animal in the Other British Breed classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flo
432Ram, two shear or over.
434Ram Lamb
C164Championship Card for the Best Male Exhibit
433Shearling Ram
435Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
436Shearling Ewe.
437Single Ewe Lamb.
C165Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit
C166Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S209£30, for the Best Animal in the Other British Breed classes
S210£20 (2nd £15.00, 3rd £10.00) and the East Anglia Support Group Rare Breeds Survival Trust Trophy for
438Ram, two shear or over.
439Shearling Ram.
440Ram Lamb.
C167Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
441Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
442Shearling Ewe.
443Single Ewe Lamb.
C168Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C169Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) and the NORFOLK SHEEP CLUB TROPHY, presented by the Norfolk She