Results for the Show 2009 Show.

Whitefaced Woodland
402Ram, two shear or over.
403Shearling Ram.
404Ram Lamb.
C149Championship Card THEOBALD Perpetual Cup kindly presented by Penny Theobald for the Best Male exhibi
405Ewe, any age having lambed in 2007.
406Shearling Ewe.
407Ewe Lamb.
C150Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit.
408Group of Three Sheep, owned by exhibitor, entered in above classes.
C151Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve), BECKEMOND Trophy kindly presented by Dr & Mrs Harrison, Crook,
S196£30, for the Best Animal in the above classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is based at
S197The DENKAVIT TROPHY kindly presented by British Denkavit for the best ewe with lamb or lambs.
S198The WHITE HOUSE Trophy kindly presented by Messrs DW & S Edwards and Mrs T A Wigham for the best Gro
S199The VISUAL REALITY Trophy kindly presented by Visual Reality for the best shearling ram.
S200The FLOSSY Trophy in memory of Floss Roker for the best ewe lamb.
S201The BODO Trophy kindly presented by Bodo Risslan for the best ram lamb.
S202The BYWAY Trophy kindly presented by Chris Steel for the best shearling ewe.