Results for the Show 2009 Show.

Riding Ponies in Hand -
107Yearling, Colt, Filly or Gelding, unlikely to exceed 148cm when fully grown.
108Two year old, Colt, Filly or Gelding, unlikely to exceed 148 cm when fully grown.
109Three year old, Colt, Filly or Gelding, unlikely to exceed 148 cm when fully grown
110Brood Mare, not to exceed 148 cms, with her own foal at foot.
111Foal, produce of mare entered in previous class.
C37Championship Card and the EPICURE Perpetual Challenge Salver, presented by Mrs John Unwin for the Be
S64The NPS Riding Pony In Hand Robertson/Brown Champion of Champions Silver Medal Rosette for the Best Registered Pony in the Riding Pony In Hand
S65The SIR THOMAS COOK Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup presented by the late Sir Thomas Cook,
S66£30 for the Best Animal in the above classes, OWNER BRED by an exhibitor whose premises are within t