Results for the Show 2009 Show.

175Cow or Heifer, in milk.
176Heifer, aged under 18 months on day of Show.
177Heifer, dry over 18 months but under 30 months old on day of Show.
178Cow, dry.
179Calf, under 1 year old.
180Bull, any age - age to be taken into consideration.
C50Championship Card for the Best Dexter Cow or Heifer.
C51Championship Card for the Best Dexter Bull.
C52Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) the Dexter Cattle Society Breed Spoon and Rosette and the Centr
S102Special Award presented by the Central Dexter Group for the Best Heifer.
S103£30, for the Best Animal in the Dexter Classes, bred and exhibited by a Breeder whose herd is based a
S1041st £20, 2nd £15 for Best Group of Three, owned and bred by the exhibitor and drawn from above class