Results for the Show 2009 Show.

Red Poll
242Maiden Heifer, over 10 months but under 22 months
243Heifer, in calf or in milk with first calf
244Cow, dry.
245Cow, in milk.
246Bull, any age.
C80Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Champion Rosette & Card for the Best Red Poll Cow or Heifer.
C81Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Red Poll Bull.
C82Championship Sash £50 Championship Rosette & Card and (£25 Reserve Championship Rosette & Card) for the Best Red Poll of either sex.
S137£30, Norfolk Special Rosette & Card and Reserve Norfolk Special Rosette & Card for the Best Animal in the Red Poll Classes, bred and exhibited by a breeder whose herd is based at premises within the County of Norfolk.
S1381st £20, 2nd £15, given by Larking Gowen for the Best Group of Three, owned and bred by the exhibitor and drawn from the above classes.