Results for the Show 2010 Show.

Any Other Pure Breed
587Ram, two shear or over.
588Shearling Ram.
589Ram Lamb.
C214Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
590Ewe, any age, having reared lambs in the year of the Show.
591Shearling Ewe.
592Single Ewe Lamb.
C215Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C216Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S168£30, for the Best Animal in the British Down classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is b
593Ram, two shear or over.
594Shearling Ram.
595Ram Lamb.
C217Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
596Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
597Shearling Ewe.
598Single Ewe Lamb.
C218Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C219Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S170£30, for the Best Animal in the Other British Breed classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flo
599Ram, two shear or over.
600Ram Lamb
C220Championship Card for the Best Male Exhibit
601Shearling Ram
602Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
603Shearling Ewe.
604Single Ewe Lamb.
C221Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit
C222Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S171£30, for the Best Animal in the Other British Breed classes
605Ram, two shear or over.
606Shearling Ram.
607Ram Lamb.
C223Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
608Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
609Shearling Ewe.
610Single Ewe Lamb.
C224Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C225Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) and the NORFOLK SHEEP CLUB TROPHY, presented by the Norfolk She
S173£30, for the Best Animal in the Continental classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is ba