Results for the Show 2011 Show.

Any Other Pure Breed
583Ram, two shear or over.
584Shearling Ram.
585Ram Lamb.
C217Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
586Ewe, any age, having reared lamb/s in the year of the Show
587Shearling Ewe
588Single Ewe Lamb.
C218Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C219Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S172£30, for the Best Animal in the British Down classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is b
589Ram, two shear or over.
590Shearling Ram.
591Ram Lamb.
C220Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
592Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
593Shearling Ewe.
594Single Ewe Lamb.
C221Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C222Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S174£30, for the Best Animal in the Other British Breed classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flo
595Ram, two shear or over.
596Ram Lamb
C223Championship Card for the Best Male Exhibit
597Shearling Ram
598Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
599Shearling Ewe.
600Single Ewe Lamb.
C224Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit
C225Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S175£30, for the Best Animal in the Other British Breed classes
S176£20 (2nd £15.00, 3rd £10.00) and the East Anglia Support Group Rare Breeds Survival Trust Trophy for
601Ram, two shear or over.
602Shearling Ram.
603Ram Lamb.
C226Championship Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes.
604Ewe, any age, having reared lambs.
605Shearling Ewe.
606Single Ewe Lamb.
C227Championship Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes.
C228Championship Sash, £50 (£25 Reserve) and the NORFOLK SHEEP CLUB TROPHY, presented by the Norfolk She
S177£30, for the Best Animal in the Continental classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is ba

Judges: Downs Breeds - Mr David Randall, Bridport, Dorset
British Longwool & Shortwoold Breeds - Mrs Mary Andrew, Bude
Continental Breeds - Mr Thomas Hunter - North Yorkshire

Judging: Wednesday 30th June 2010 - Lewis Sheep Rings

Classes can be amalgamated at the discretion of the steward and/or judge.

i) See General Conditions at front of Sheep Section.
ii) All entries must be from Flocks entered in the appropriate Breed Society's Flock Book.
iii) A minimum of 3 different flocks and/or a minimum of 3 entries is required for each class. All entries subject to space and accommodation.
iii) Entries in the Continental Breeds section can be from M.V. & Non M.V.Accredited flocks. Entries in the British Down and Other British Breeds sections can be from both M.V. Accredited and non-scheme flocks, and entries will be segregated according to status.


These classes are open to British Down Breeds including
Shropshire, Dorset Down, Ryeland, Dorset Horn, Poll Dorset, Wiltshire Horn, Clun Forest.