Results for the Show 2011 Show.

Scurry Driving
174Pair 122cms and under to be driven to a suitable four wheeled vehicle
175Pair Exceeding (122cm) but not exceeding 148cms. to be driven to a four wheeled vehicle.
C61Scurry Driving Championship

Judges: Mr John Jacks - Kenninghall
Mrs Christine Williams - Diss

Course Builder: Mr Tim Price -

Judging: Class 174 Wednesday 29th June - Grand Ring - 2.55
Class 175 Wednesday 29th June - Grand Ring - 5.35
Championship (C61) Thursday 30th June - Grand Ring - 2.50

A timed competition under the rules of the Osborne Scurry Group HOYS Series 2011 (OSG). Competitors to drive in drawn order.
A qualifying round for the OSBORNE REFRIGERATORS Double Harness Scurry Championships, at the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 5-9 October 2011.
The highest placed competitor in classes 174 & 175, disregarding those already qualified, will qualify.
Drivers and grooms must be members of the OSG. Vehicles and ponies must comply with the rules of the OSG.
The first six from classes 174 & 175 will go forward to the Championship -irrespective of placing, competitors eliminated in either of the two classes will not be eligible for the Championship.

Prizes: Classes 174 & 175 - 1st £95, 2nd £70, 3rd £50, 4th £40, 5th £30, 6th £20
Class C 61- 1st 80, 2nd £60, 3rd £45, 4thh £30, 5th £20, 6th £15.