Results for the Show 2012 Show.
Jacob -
JACOB Judge: Mrs Jean Simmons - Stafford Judging: Wednesday 27th June - Lewis Sheep Rings Sheep judging will commence at 08.00hrs. - Breed section timings will be confirmed when tickets are dispatched, subject to entries, ring timings etc. Arrival and Departure - IMPORTANT INFORMATION. All sheep to be on the Showground on Tuesday 26th June by 20.30hrs Sheep may depart after 16.30hrs on Thursday 28th June. Entry Fee per Class: £14 (inc VAT); Prizes: 1st £22, 2nd £16, 3rd £10, 4th £5. Premiums: £10 will be awarded to each entry forward. Conditions: i) See General Conditions at front of Sheep Section. ii) These classes are to be judged under the Jacob Sheep Society Rules. Registered Flock Numbers to be given on Entry Form. iii) A minimum of 3 different flocks and/or a minimum of 3 entries is required for each class. iv) All entries for these classes must be from Non M.V. Accredited flocks. v) Classes can be amalgamated at the discretion of the steward and/or judge. vi) All entries are subject to space, accommodation and availability. Class |