Results for the Show 2012 Show.

Skewbald and Piebald
134Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden Ponies not exceeding 153 cms plaited
135Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden Ponies not exceeding 153 cms Traditional
136Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden Horses exceeding 153cm plaited
137Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden Horse exceeding 153cm Traditional
138Skewbald & Piebald - Open Ridden Championship Qualifier, combined class, horses and ponies, any type, sex or colour. Rid
C50Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the Best Ridden Piebald and Skewbald. WAIT FOR CONFIRMATION
139Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA In Hand Horse/Pony Youngstock Qualifier
140Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA Open In Hand Pony Qualifier: Skewbald & Piebald ponies not exceeding 153 cms (15HH), 4 years & over, any sex or type.
141Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA Open In Hand Horse Qualifier: Skewbald & Piebald Horses 4 years & over, exceeding 153 cms (15HH), and sex or type
C51Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best in Hand Skewbald and Piebald

Judge: In Hand - Miss D Spears - Buckinghamshire (Leyhills)
Ridden - Miss S Parrott - Essex

Judging Commences: Ridden 07:30 Wednesday 27th June - Light Horse Ring. In Hand classes to follow.

(i) These classes are affiliated to the British Skewbald & Piebald Association and are qualifiers The Royal International Horse Show, Hickstead 2013 and for the World Championships of Colour National Championship Show 2012.
(ii) All Classes will be judged within the rules and criteria of the BSPA (Details from
BSPA 01354 638226 or downloaded from
All Stallions 4 years and over must be graded licensed and registered with BSPA and in possession of a 2012 Stallion I.D. Card in order to compete.

All classes are open to members and non members but in order to qualify all owners/handlers/riders must be members of the BSPA and all horses/ponies registered with BSPA prior to the Show. BSPA qualification cards must be produced in the ring and be signed by the judge, otherwise the qualification is invalid. In all WCC Ridden horse classes the judge may ride and or request a display.
Qualification 1-3 in all Classes or 1-4 for classes exceeding 12.
Exhibitors must not enter the breeding details of any exhibit that does not hold a breed society verified parentage passport.
Rider age taken from 1st January. No rider under 14 may exhibit a stallion in any class. Spurs may not be worn in any pony class. All ponies 153 cms and under (with the exception of Shetlands and miniatures who are exempt) must possess a current JMB height certificate submitted to BSPA prior to Show. RIHS schedules available from
(iii) This Show, Class C 51, is a qualifier for the Ponies (UK) Commanchee In Hand Piebald/Skewbald Horse & Pony Championship. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each qualifying class will qualify. No qualification cards will be awarded in the ring, placing will be confirmed by results sent in by the show secretary. Non Members have 14 days to register with Ponies (UK) following the Show.
(iv) This Show, Class C 50, is a qualifier for the Ponies (UK) Commanchee Ridden Piebald/Skewbald Horse & Pony Championship. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each qualifying class will qualify. No qualification cards will be awarded in the ring, placing will be confirmed by results sent in by the show secretary. Non Members have 14 days to register with Ponies (UK) following the Show.
(v) Classes 134 to 138 are qualifiers for the BSPA World Championships of Colour, National Champion of Champions 2013. All classes will be judged within the rules and criteria of the BSPA. Copies of which can be obtained from them. ALL Stallions 4 years and over MUST be graded and Licensed and Registered with the BSPA and in possession of a 2012 Stallion I.D. Card in order to compete.
Open to members and Non Members BUT ALL Owners/Handlers/Riders MUST be Members of BSPA and Horses/Ponies Registered with BSPA prior to this show in order to qualify. Competitors must produce their BSPA Qualification card in the ring for Judge to sign, otherwise qualification is invalid.
Qualification: 1-3 in all classes and highest placed as indicated.