Results for the Show 2012 Show.

Sport Horse - In Hand
142In Hand Sports Horse - Yearling Potential Sport Horse, Open to any Colt, Gelding or Filly foaled in preceeding year
143In Hand Sports Horse - Two Year Old Potential Sport Horse, Open to any Colt, Gelding or Filly foaled two years previously.
144In Hand Sports Horse - Three Year Old Potential Sport Horse, Open to any Colt, Gelding or Filly foaled three years previously.
145In Hand Sports Horse - Sports Horse Brood Mare : Open to a brood mare with a foal at foot or with a relevant certificate of service that may be inspected at the show.
146In Hand Sports Horse - Sports Horse Foal : Open to a colt or filly foaled in the current year. Foals must be at least 3 weeks old on the day of the show.
C52Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the Best In-Hand Sports Horse


Judge: Mrs J Jefferson - Yorkshire

Judging Commences: 15:00 Wednesday 27th June - Ivan Cook Heavy Horse Ring

(i) These classes are held under Sport Horse Breeding of G.B. rules.
(ii) These classes are for young athletic horses that have the conformation and movement to go to the top of their sphere.
(iii) Each horse is judged individually on a triangle and walked round the ring as a class.
(iv) Marks are awarded for conformation, walk, trot and overall manner.
(v) Shows must select Sports Horse Judges from the Sport Horse Panel.
(vi) A special rosette will be awarded to the highest place in each class.
(vii) The Leader who enters the ring with the horse must remain throughout the class. Only in special circumstances and with the permission of the judge may other person be permitted to trot the horse out.
(viii) All entries in Sport Horse classes must be on the Society's Basic Identity Record or Stud Book.

Order of Judging
142, 143, 144, 145, 146, C52