Results for the Show 2012 Show.

216Ayrshire - Heifer, in calf not less than 5 months
217Ayrshire - Heifer, in milk having calved at under 3 years of age
218Ayrshire - Cow, dry, in calf
219Ayrshire - Junior Cow, in milk having had 2 or 3 calves
220Ayrshire - Senior Cow, in milk having had 4 or more calves
C67Ayrshire - Championship Rosette, Card, Sash and £50 (£25 Reserve Championship Rosette & Card) for the Best Breed Cow or Heifer
S47Ayrshire - £30, Norfolk Special Rosette & Card and Reserve Norfolk Special Rosette & Card for the Best Animal in the Ayrshire Classes, bred and exhibited by a breeder whose herd is based at premises within the County of Norfolk.
S48Ayrshire - Best Group of Three, owned and bred by the exhibitor and drawn from the above classes

Judge: Mr Aled Walters - Ffynnonddrain, Carmarthen

Judging: Wednesday 27th June - Cattle Rings
Time to be confirmed prior to Show

Entry Fee per Standing: £26 (inc VAT).

Prizes: 1st £30, 2nd £25, 3rd £20, 4th £15
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1 - 5

Premiums: £30 will be awarded to each entry forward in the breed classes.

i) See General Conditions at front of Cattle Section.
ii) This section is run in accordance with the rules of the Ayrshire Cattle Society.
ii) Animals entered must be registered in the Ayrshire Cattle Society Herd Book and be at least 50% Ayrshire blood/genetics. If black and white in colour animals must be registered in the Herd Book's Full Pedigree Ayrshire section.
iii) To enable this section to run a minimum of 3 exhibitors or 9 animals from 2 exhibitors is required.
