Results for the Show 2012 Show.

British Charolais
342British Charolais - Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2011.
343British Charolais - Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2010 and before 31st December 2010
344British Charolais - Cow, in milk, in calf or with calf at foot born before 1st January 2010.
345British Charolais - Bull, born on or after 1st January 2011
346British Charolais - Bull, born prior to 1st January 2011
C117British Charolais - Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Champiionship Rosette & Card for the Best British Charolais Cow or Heifer.
C118British Charolais - Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best British Charolais Bull.
C119British Charolais - Championship Sash £50, Championship Rosette & Card (£25 Reserve Championship Rosette & Card) and the British Charolais Cattle Society Plaque for the Bes
S99British Charolais - Best Group of Three, owned and bred by the exhibito
Yorkshire Dales Farmhouse Ice Cream have kindly sponsored this section

Judge: Mr Colin Wight - Biggar, Lanarkshire

Judging:. Wednesday 27th June - Cattle Rings
Time to be confirmed prior to Show.

Entry Fee per Standing: £26 (inc VAT).

Prizes: 1st £30, 2nd £25, 3rd £20, 4th £15.
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1 - 5

Premiums: £30 will be awarded to each entry forward in the breed classes.

i) See General Conditions at front of Cattle Section.
ii) This section is run in accordance with the rules of the British Charolais Cattle Society.
iii) All exhibits must be entered in the main or supplementary books of the British Charolais Cattle Society.
iv) To enable this section to run a minimum of 3 exhibitors or 9 animals from 2 exhibitors is required.
v) Please note that the Anglia Region of British Charolais Cattle Society will give £10.
for every pedigree Charolais forward.
