Results for the Show 2013 Show.

Jacob -
522Jacob - Ram, two shear or over.
523Jacob - Shearling Ram.
524Jacob - Ram Lamb.
C184Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Male Exhibit.
525Jacob - Older Ewe, having reared lamb/s in the year of the Show.
526Jacob - Shearling Ewe.
527Jacob - Ewe Lamb.
C185Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Female exhibit.
C186Championship Sash, £50 Championship Rosette & Card, (£25 Reserve Championship Rosette & Card) & Eastern Region Jacob Sheep Society Cup. The Hamilton Trophy presented by the Jacob Sheep Society will be awarded to the Reserve Champion.
S149£30, for the Best Animal in the above classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is based at

Judge: Mr Clive Richardson - Ulverston, Cumbria

Judging: Wednesday 27th June - Lewis Sheep Rings -

i) See General Conditions at front of Sheep Section.
ii) To be judged under Jacob Sheep Society Rules.
iii) All Sheep to be shown to Breed Society Rules.
iv) A minimum of 3 different flocks and/or a minimum of 3 entries is required for each class.
v) Classes can be amalgamated at the discretion of the steward and/or judge.
vi) All entries subject to space and accommodation.