Results for the Show 2013 Show.

Coloured Ryeland -
555Coloured Ryeland - Shearling Ram.
556Coloured Ryeland - Ram, two shear or over.
557Coloured Ryeland - Ram Lamb.
C199Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Male exhibit in the above classes
558Coloured Ryeland - Older Ewe, having reared lambs in the year of the Show.
559Coloured Ryeland - Shearling Ewe
560Coloured Ryeland - Single Ewe Lamb
C200Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Female exhibit in the above classes
C201Championship Sash, £50 & Breed Champion Rosette & Card, (£25 Reserve Breed Champion rosette & Card) for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.
S156£30 Norfolk Special Rosette & Card and Reserve Norfolk Special Rosette & Card for the best animal in the Coloured Ryeland classes, bred and shown by an exhibitor whose flock is based at premises within the County of Norfolk.

Judge: Mr Selwyn Evans - Llanddrog, Carmarthenshire

i) See General Conditions at front of Sheep Section.
ii) A minimum of 3 different flocks and/or a minimum of 3 entries is required for each class, otherwise entries mayl be amalgamated with the appropriat Any Other Pure Breed section.
iii) Classes can be amalgamated at the discretion of the steward and/or judge.
iv) All entries must be from Flocks entered in the appropriate Breed Society's Flock Book.
v) Entries can only be from Non M.V.Accredited flocks.
vi) All entries are subject to space and accommodation and availability.
