Results for the Show 2014 Show.
Hunter - Ridden, Small and Ladies
HUNTER - RIDDEN, SMALL & LADIES Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time RIDDEN SMALL & Lady Clare Howick - Northumberland (Conf) 85 -90 Light Horse TH 07:30 LADIES Mrs Rosemary King - Gloucestershire (Ride) Conditions: (i) Owners and riders must be members of the British Show Horse Association (BSHA), and all horses must be registered with the BSHA on the Hunter Register. (NB: Please note for 2014 only, any owners and riders who had previously joined SHB(GB) before 27/1/14 will need to contact the Grandstand Media office). (ii) Hunter classes will be judged under the BSHA rules. In the Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers, Horse of the Year Show rules take precedence. (iii) This Show,classes 86, 87, 88 & 91 are qualifying competitions for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 8th-12th October 2014. In the Lightweight, Middleweight, Heavyweight and Working Hunter classes, the highest placed unqualified horse in the first three will qualify to enter at the Horse of the Year Show. (iv) This Show, classes 86, 87, 88 & 89 are qualifiers for 'The National Hunter Supreme Championship Show' (NHSCS) and only horses registered on the current year SHB(GB) Show Hunter Register are eligible to qualify. Registrations numbers must be quoted on entry forms and owners and riders must be members of the Society. The three highest placed horses in each class will qualify to enter at the NHSCS. No horse lower than third in its class will qualify. (v) This Show, classes 86, 87, 88 & 89 are qualifiers for the Ponies (UK) Whittakers Lord Open Hunter Supreme Championship including Small Hunter. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each qualifying class will qualify. No qualification cards will be awarded in the ring, placing will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions who are not current members of Ponies (UK) must become a member before the time of entry to the Ponies (UK) Supreme Championships in August 2014. (vi) Qualification will not pass below 3rd place, with the exception of the National Hunter Show. (vii) All Ridden Hunters must be shod all round. No pads or surgical shoes are allowed. (viii) No hind boots or bandages of any description are allowed in the collecting ring, warm up or in the actual class in Working Hunter. (ix) If the judge considers that any exhibit in the Light Weight or Middle Weight classes is up to more than the specified weight, that exhibit will be transferred to a higher weight class. (xi) Judges will be asked to restrict riding to those entries selected for final consideration, having due regard to the judging time available. HUNTER - RIDDEN Order of Judging 85, 86, 87, 88 Class: |