Results for the Show 2014 Show.
ARABS NEW FOR 2014 - HORSE OF THE YEAR SHOW QUALIFIERS - RIDDEN PURE BRED ARABS NEW FOR 2014 - SEPARATE YEARLING CLASS FOR ANGLO OR PART BRED IN HAND Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time In Hand Mrs Tina Day - Rochford 50 - 55 Waveney W 07:45 Ridden Mr David Froggatt - Lancashire 56 - 60 Conditions: (i) These classes will be conducted in accordance with the Show Rules and Regulations of the Arab Horse Society. All entries must be registered with the Arab Horse Society by the entry closing date, registration numbers to be quoted on entry form, and a photocopy of registration documents enclosed with entries. Part Breds with 12.5% pure blood are eligible to compete in part bred classes. (ii) In the Ridden Classes, the judge will be asked to restrict their riding to those entries selected for final consideration, having due regard to the judging time available. (iii) British Arabian Championships This is a qualifying show for the British Arabian Championships to be held at Kings Equestrian Centre, All details and Qualifying Cards from Mrs Jayne Armstrong, 6 Watkin Avenue, Hadfield, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 1QD Tel 07971 864398 Please send a S.A.E. Cards are £10 each. Please state horse's name, age and section when applying for a card. Cheques payable to The Arab Horse Society. Cards may also be purchased: The British Arabian Championship has classes for both in hand and ridden purebred Arabians. Schedule available from The British Arabian Championships are held in conjunction with the British Amateur Home Produced Championships (BAHPAC) details of which can be found on UK In Hand Awards Awards at this show will gain points for the UK In Hand Awards. Cards must be signed by the judge. Full details and Points cards are available from Mrs C A Barr, 61 South Park Gardens, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 1HZ. Tel 07969 549730 For full details of these new awards see (iv) Horse of the Year Show Qualifier Classes. This show, classes 58, 59 & 60 are qualifiers for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 8th-12th October 2014. Open to horses qualified in open ridden classes at a qualifying show in 2014. Owners of qualified horses must be members of the Arab Horse Society (AHS) and the horse registered in their owner's name. The exhibitor must have purchased an AHS Q card displaying the name of the horse. These classes will be run in accordance with Horse of the Year Show General Rules 2014. The first and second prize winners in each of these classes will qualify to compete in the Championship Class (C20). If already qualified, the highest placed horse, previously unqualified, in the first five will qualify. If a rider has qualified more than one horse, that rider will be allowed, if they wish, to exchange horses and ride each horse for its individual display. A groom is allowed into the ring to hold the horse whilst it is not being ridden. AHS Q Cards cost £25 per horse per season and must be purchased at least one week before the date of the class in which the horse will compete. Proceeds will be used for sponsorship at The Horse of The Year Show. AHS Q Cards are available from The Arab Horse Society, Windsor House, Ramsbury, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2PE. Telephone 01672 521411. Cheques payable to 'Arab Horse Society'. Cards may also be purchased online at Results will be checked and any horse found not to have been issued with an AHS Q Card within the specified time will be deemed not to have qualified. Qualification will then pass down to the next eligible horse within the Championship. There will be no opportunity to pay the fee retrospectively. Horse of the Year Show Qualifier Championship. The qualifying horse will be the highest placed exhibit in the Championship of the mare, stallion and gelding Open Ridden Arab classes at a show which has been granted Horse of the Year Show qualifying status. The exhibit must not have previously qualified and must have an AHS Q Card displaying the name of the horse. (v) This Show, Class 56 & 57, is a qualifier for the Ponies (UK) Domino Part Bred Ridden Supreme Championship. 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each qualifying class will qualify. No qualification cards will be awarded in the ring. Placing confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions who are not current members of Ponies (UK) must become a member before the time of entry to the P(UK) Supreme Championships in August 2014. (vi) Class 56 and 57 is also a qualifying event for the CHERIF CHAMPIONSHIP 2014. The final will be held at the Cherif Championship Show, Addington Manor Equestrian Centre, Addington, Bucks, on 17th September 2014. All details and qualifying cards at £25.00 each (payable to Cherif Championship) from Miss L Temple, The Stables, Ashton, Gifford Lane, Codford, Wiltshire, BA12 0JX. Please state the name and accurate height of horse/pony. SAE Please and contact telephone number. No entry placed lower than fourth can qualify, even if only one height section is covered by top four in the class. Competitors must carry their qualifying cards with them into the ring to be signed by the judge. Failure to produce the card for signature means non qualification. No cards are to be brought into the ring once the class has started. (Ponies of 148 cm and under will not be ridden by the judge at this Show but will be ridden by a lightweight adult at the final.) (vii) The Association reserves the right to amalgamate classes if there are insufficient entries in any classes. |