Results for the Show 2014 Show.

Hereford -
276Hereford - Heifer, born on or after 1st April, 2013.
277Hereford - Heifer, born on or after 1st January 2012 to 30th March 2013.
278Hereford - Heifer born on or between 1st January 2012 and 31st December 2012.
279Hereford - Cow born on or before 31st December 2011.
280Hereford - Bull, born after 1st January 2013.
281Hereford - Bull, born prior to 1st January 2013
C87Hereford - Championship Card and £10 and Rosette, given by Midlands & East Anglia Hereford Breeders' Associatio
C88Hereford - Championship Card and £10 and Rosette, given by Midlands & East Anglia Hereford Breeders'' Associatio New 2014 - Larking Gowen trophy will also be presented.
C89Best of Breed Sash, Rosette & Card & £50.00 & Reserve Best of Breed Rosette & Card & £25.00. CHAPMAN & FREARSON LTD ROSE BOWL and the Midlands and East Anglia Hereford Breeders' Association Rosette for the Best Hereford of either sex.
S70Hereford - Best Pair under 2 years old on day of show, bred & exhibited by a member of the Midlands & East Anglia Hereford Breeders Association. £10 & Card will be given by Midlands & East Anglia Hereford Breeders Association.
S71Hereford - Best Group of Three, by the same sire or out of the same dam.
S72Hereford - Best of Breed Group of Three Rosette & Card & Reserve Best of Breed Group of Three Rosette & Card for the best group owned and bred by the exhibitor and drawn from the above classes..
S73Hereford - £30, Norfolk Special Rosette & Card & Reserve Norfolk Special Rosette & Card for the Best Animal in the Hereford classes, bred and exhibited by a breeder whose herd is based
Qualifying for the UK Hereford of the Year Competitions
Larking Gowen have kindly sponsored this section.

Judge: Mr Robin Irvine - Co Armagh

Judging: Wednesday 25th June - Cattle Rings
Time to be confirmed prior to Show.

Entry Fee per Standing: £27.50 (inc VAT).

Prizes: 1st £30, 2nd £25, 3rd £20, 4th £15.
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1 - 5

Premiums: £30 will be awarded to each entry forward in the breed classes

i) See General Conditions at the front of the Cattle Section.
ii) This section is run in accordance with the rules of the Hereford Cattle Society.
iii) All animals, both poll and horned, must be registered with the Hereford Cattle Society.
iv) To enable this section to run a minimum of 3 exhibitors or 9 animals from 2 exhibitors is required.
