Results for the Show 2015 Show.

Hunter - In Hand
90In Hand Hunters - Hunter Filly, Colt or Gelding, foaled in 2014
91In Hand Hunters - Hunter Filly, Colt or Gelding, foaled in 2013
92In Hand Hunters - Hunter Filly, Colt or Gelding, foaled in 2012
93In Hand Hunters - Hunter Brood Mare, capable of carrying up to 13 stone, WITH HER OWN FOAL AT FOOT.
94In Hand Hunters - Hunter Filly or Colt Foal, PRODUCE OF MARE IN ABOVE CLASS.
C28Championship Rosette and the WINSOR BISHOP Perpetual Challenge Trophy, presented by Messrs. Winsor Bishop
S23£20 and The GEORGE COPSEY Perpetual Challenge Trophy, presented by the family of the late George Copsey

NEW FOR 2015 - Michaela Wood Championship

Waveney Valley Lakes (Norfolk) Ltd. has kindly sponsored this section.

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
In Hand Mr Jonathan Geake - Wiltshire 89 - 94 Wensum B W 08:00

(i) Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain Rules and Regulations for Affiliated Shows apply. Judges must be selected from the Society's Panel for Hunter Breeding Classes.
(ii) NEW CONDITION applies from 1st January 2014. SHB (GB) specifies all competitors must wear a skull cap or hat and safety harness according to the current approved BSI or European Standard at all times. Skull caps must have a navy blue or black cover.
(iii) ALL entries must be registered with SHB(GB). Owners and riders DO NOT have to be current members of SHB(GB) in order to compete in In Hand Classes.
(iv) No animal may be entered in more than one class.
(v) Led Hunters must be in plain leather bridles. Three year olds must be shown in bits, yearlings and two year olds snaffles only. Foals should just have leather headcollars.
(vi) Any exhibitor in charge of an entire must ensure they are in complete control at all times and if not will be dismissed from the ring.
(vii) The Society discourages the showing of over fat horses and judges will take this into consideration when making their awards.
(viii) Manners will be taken into account in Hunter breeding classes.
(ix) PONIES (UK). This Show, Class 89 is a qualifier for Ponies (UK) "Peek-A-Boo" In Hand Plaited Riding Pony/Horse /Hunter/Part Bred Supreme Championship 2015. 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed horses/ponies in each qualifying class will qualify. Qualification tickets will be awarded in the ring to qualifying competitors. Placings will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions who are not current members of Ponies (UK) must become a member before the time of entry to the P(UK) Championships 2015.
(x) MICHAELA WOOD - NEW Championship. In-Hand Hunter Final 2015. The winner of each In-hand hunter class (89-94) will qualify for the Michaela Wood In-hand Hunter Final to be held at the Alexanders Horse Boxes Supreme Hunter Show at the Scope Festival, Staffordshire, August 22nd - 23rd, 2015. Only the winner of a qualifying class will qualify. (ie the Qualification will not be passed down the line). In qualifying classes that have both colt/gelding and filly entries, then the highest placed exhibit of each sex will qualify. Shows that have more than one mare class (ie Small, LWT and HWT) may qualify a mare from each class for the final, the same in the foal classes. The final to be judged as one would normally judge an In Hand class, however, by 3 Judges (possibly 2 Panel Judges and 1 Guest Judge), who will each be allocated a Steward and will judge independently (not conferring with other Judges) and will give a mark (out of 20) for each exhibit. This mark will be held up after each exhibit has been assessed. In the event of a tie the judges will confer. £300 to the winner of each final, £150 for 2nd and £75 for 3rd. These classes are very kindly sponsored by the Wood Family.

Order of Judging
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, C28, S23