Results for the Show 2015 Show.

Riding Ponies - In Hand
143In Hand Riding Ponies - Yearling, Colt, Filly or Gelding, unlikely to exceed 148cm when fully grown.
144In Hand Riding Poines - Two year old, Colt, Filly or Gelding, unlikely to exceed 148 cm when fully grown.
145In Hand Riding Ponies - Three year old, Colt, Filly or Gelding, unlikely to exceed 148 cm when fully grown
146In Hand Riding Ponies - Four Year old and over, Stallion, Barren Mare or Gelding unlikely to exceed 148cms when fully grown.
147In Hand Riding Ponies - Brood Mare, not to exceed 148 cms, with her own foal at foot.
148In Hand Riding Ponies - Foal, produce of mare entered in previous class.
C48Championship Card and the EPICURE Perpetual Challenge Salver, presented by Mrs John Unwin for the Be
S31The NPS/Laybalands Show Pony In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship
S32The SIR THOMAS COOK Perpetual Silver Challenge Cup presented by the late Sir Thomas Cook, for the Best Registered Pony.

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
In Hand Mr Nigel Hollings - Lancashire 143 - 148 Glaven W 12:30

(i) These classes are held under NPS Rules.
(ii) Brood Mares to be 4 years old or over. Foals must be at least FOUR weeks old at date of Show.
(iii) NPS. This show is a qualifier for the NPS/Area 20 Show Pony In hand Supreme National Championship.
NPS Show Pony and Show Hunter Pony Qualifying Rounds: These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be registered in the NPS British Riding Pony Stud Book, Register, Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB, the GSB, the AHSB, the AASB or in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part-Breds are not eligible unless entered in the NPS British Riding Pony Stud Book, Register, Appendix, International or Sports Pony section of the BRPSB. PONIES MUST BE PLAITED.
Qualifying rounds are open to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult NPS Qualifying or Life members are eligible to qualify for the final of the competition at the NPS Summer Championship Show at Malvern from 4th - 6th August 2015.
The highest placed pony, if owned by an NPS member, in each class will qualify for the final. Qualification may pass down the line to third place if the first and second ponies owned by an NPS member have already qualified.
(iv) PONIES(UK). This Show, classes 143-148 are qualifiers for Ponies (UK) "Peek-A-Boo" In Hand Plaited Riding Pony/Horse /Hunter/Part Bred Supreme Championship 2015. 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed horses/ponies in each qualifying class will qualify. Qualification tickets will be awarded in the ring to qualifying competitors. Placings will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions who are not current members of Ponies (UK) must become a member before the time of entry to the P(UK) Championships 2015.

Order of Judging
143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, C48, S31, S32
