Results for the Show 2015 Show.

SJS1The STAINES Challenge Cup (M13), presented by G & J Staines for the individual winner of Class SJ1.
SJS2The STEGGLES Challenge Cup (M12), presented by the late E J Steggles, for the individual winner of Class SJ2.
SJS3The HILL Challenge Cup (M15), presented by R W Hill (ECF) for the individual winner of Class SJ3.
SJS4The BOCM PAULS Pig Cup (M14), presented by BOCM Pauls Ltd, for the individual winner of Class SJ4.
SJS5The DEVEREUX Pig Trophy (M10), presented by the family of the late E Devereux, will be awarded to the runner up in Class SJ4.
SJC1The NORFOLK FARMERS UNION Challenge Cup (M11), presented by the Norfolk Branch of the National Farmers Union will be awarded to the centre of the Norfolk Stockmens Club, the members of which gain the highest aggregate of points in all placings.