Results for the Show 2016 Show.

Wool On the Hoof
721Single Ram or Ewe, any natural COLOURED breed.
722Single Ram or Ewe, any CONTINENTAL breed.
723Single Ram or Ewe, any DOWN breed.
724Single Ram or Ewe, any HILL & HEATH breed.
725Single Ram or Ewe, any LONGWOOL breed.
726Single Ram or Ewe, any PRIMITIVE breed.
C308Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Sheep in Wool from the above classes.

Judge: Mr John Sylvester - Lincolnshire

Judging: Thursday 30 June - Lewis Sheep Rings
To follow Trimmed Championship

Entry Fee: £2 per entry, limited to one entry per exhibitor.

Prizes: 1st £15, 2nd £12, 3rd £10.
Rosettes will be awarded 1st - 7th

Premiums: No Premium will be awarded in this section.


i) All sheep must have been entered and shown in the breed classes here at the Show prior to this section taking place.
ii) All entries must be handled by the exhibitor or his representative.
iii) All sections will be limited to one entry per exhibitor and must have been included on the original entry form, prior to entries close date.
