Results for the Show 2016 Show.

Two Wheeled Cart Class
53Two Wheeled Cart - single turnout of any heavy horse breed in harness with a two wheeled vehicle driven by a lady or gentleman.
Single Turnout

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time Prejudged Ring 22
Two Wheeled Mr Brit McLin - USA 53 Grand Ring TH 09:40 09:00

Entry Fee: £18.00 (Inc. VAT) per class.

Prizes: 1st to 10th will each receive £25.

Rosettes: 1st to 5th place, rosettes and cards.

Premiums: £10 will be awarded to each entry forward at the Show, where applicable.

(i) No Stallions to be entered in any of the Two Wheeled Cart class.
(ii) See also General Conditions at the front of the Horse Section.
(iii) The judge will be instructed to make awards on the basis of a maximum of 50% for the Horse or Horses, 35% for the Harness and Vehicle and 15% for Handling.
(iv) Classes are open to any heavy horse breed.
(v) Exhibitors may not compete in any other Heavy Horse Turnout Class (Classes 44-48) with the same vehicle.
