Results for the Show 2016 Show.

Veteran Horses
176Veteran In Hand - Diamond Veteran, 25 years old & over, Horse or Pony In-Hand, any breed, any height.
177Veteran In Hand - Veteran, 20-24 years old, Horse or Pony In Hand, any breed, any height.
178Veteran In Hand - Pre-Veteran, 15-19 years old, Horse, In Hand, any breed, exceeding 148cms.
179Veteran In Hand - Pre-Veteran, 15-19 years old, Pony, In Hand, any breed, up to and including 148cms.
C54Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card, for the Best In Hand Veteran Horse or Pony
180Veteran Ridden - Diamond Veteran, 25 years old and over, Horse or Pony, Ridden, any breed, any height
181Veteran Ridden - Veteran, 20-24 years old, Horse or Pony, Ridden, any breed, any height.
182Veteran Ridden - Pre-Veteran, 15-19 years old, Horse, Ridden, any breed, exceeding 148cms
183Veteran Ridden - Pre-Veteran, 15-19 years old, Pony, Ridden, any breed, up to and including 148cms.
184Veteran Ridden - Veteran OPEN Class, 15-30 years old, Horse or Pony, Ridden, any breed, any height. Open to professionals and amateurs.
C55Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Ridden Veteran Horse or Pony.
S35Oldest Veteran competing on Show Day
S34Young Rider Championship qualification


Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
Ride Mrs Christine Senior - Yorkshire 176 - 184 Waveney W 13:00
Conf Mrs Diane Kelly - Hampshire

The Veteran Horse Society Supreme Final 2016
to be held at The National Veteran Open Championships
23-25 September 2016 at Bury Farm, Buckinghamshire.

(i) All competitors and grooms must adhere to Veteran Horse Society (VHS) rules in all circumstances and should acquaint themselves with these rules and regulations before entering. These can be found at For membership details please contact Julianne Aston or the Membership Department at PO Box 70, Cardigan, SA43 9AJ. Telephone 01239 881300 (11am-3pm) or out of hours and weekends 07789 514004.
Email [email protected]
(ii) Horses or ponies entering these classes may be any type or breed, of any height and do not need to be pure breeds.
(iii) Competitions are open to BOTH members and non-members of the Veteran Horse Society. Non-members will however need to purchase a DAY MEMBERSHIP in advance of the Show at a cost of £15 from the VHS office. A day membership card and age badge will be provided. Anyone qualifying on a day membership must then become a FULL VHS member in order to enter the VHS Supreme Final or VHS Regional Final.
(iv) Age badges to be displayed. Can be purchased from VHS Head Office.
(v) No foals, spurs, galloping or wearing of face/body jewellery permitted.
(vi) Horses may be shod or unshod.
(vii) IMPORTANT. Grooms must be turned out in accordance to the VHS ruling, any groom not dressed correctly will be asked to leave the ring and marks deducted from the competitors score.
(viii) Mares with foals at foot not accepted in any of the classes. Foals may not be left outside the ring, as this is not acceptable to mare or foal.
(ix) Minimum age of handler for In Hand classes 9 years old. Minimum age of handlers for stallions in hand - ridden competitors must be over 16 years of age.
(x) Lead rein. Competitors (3-9 years) must not have had their 10th Birthday before 1st of January in the current showing year.
(xi) Classes may be split due to size of class.
(xii) Judge will NOT ride.
(xiii) All ridden classes will be expected to strip down and do an individual show.
(xiv) The judge's decision is final.
(xv) VHS Regional Final qualification. All competitors placed 1st to 4th in each class will qualify for the corresponding class at VHS Regional Finals. Members must have their showing card signed by the judge in the ring as proof of qualification. Day-members will receive a red qualification card which can be exchanged for signed showing card when applying for full VHS membership. Day members must become full VHS members in order to enter the Regional Finals.
(xvi) VHS Supreme Final qualification. Competitors placed 1st and 2nd in each class will also qualify directly for the corresponding class at the VHS Supreme Final, to be held at the National Veteran Open Championships.
If the competitor has already qualified or does not wish to attend, they must refuse the qualification and pass it down the line on the day. Day members must become full VHS members in order to enter the Supreme Final.
(xvii) VHS M&M Supreme Final qualification. The highest placed M&M in each class will qualify for the VHS M&M Supreme Final at the National Veteran Open Championships.
(xviii) VHS Open Class Final qualification. Competitors placed 1st and 2nd will qualify for the VHS Open Class Final, to be held at the National Veteran Open Championships.
If the competitor has already qualified or does not wish to attend, they must refuse the qualification card and pass it down the line on the day. Day members must become full VHS members in order to enter the Open Class Final.
(xix) Young Rider Championship qualification. For young riders 16 years and under. A Young Rider rosette and qualification will be awarded to the young rider of the Judge's choice, entitling them to enter the Young Rider Championship at the National Veteran Open Championships. This award is given at the Judge's discretion.
(xx) TSR. Classes 176-179 are TSR In Hand qualifiers.
Classes 180-184 are TSR Ridden qualifiers.