Results for the Show 2016 Show.

Hunter - Small Ridden
99Hunter - (RIHS) Small Hunter - Mare or Gelding, four years old or over, exceeding 148cm, but not exceeding 158cm.
C30Championship Rosette and Reserve Chamionship Rosette for the best small hunter


Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
Ride The Hon Mrs Dawn Gooch - East Sussex 99 Light Horse TH 10:00
Conf Mrs Laura Hamilton - Gloucestershire

(i) Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain Rules and Regulations for Affiliated Shows apply. Judges must be selected from the Society's Panel for Hunter Breeding Classes.
(ii) It is strongly recommended that competitors aged 18 or over wear correctly secured Skull Caps/Riding Hats that meet one of the following current Safety Standards:All PAS 015; VG1; ASTM F1163 04a onwards; SNELL E2001; AS/NZS 3838 2003 onwards. The EN1384, BSEN1384 may also be worn until 1 January 2017, when the rules will be reviewed.
(iii) Owners and riders must be current members of SHB(GB) and all entries must be registered with SHB(GB). Day Ticket £30 (this entitles competitors to compete at a maximum of 1 show in the year - it covers owner and rider membership together with horse registration for that show)
Registration numbers must be stated on the entry form.
(iv) A horse that is registered as a Small Hunter cannot compete in an Open Weight Class. When registering on the current Show Hunter Register, a current Joint Measurement Board (JMB) Height Certificate must be forwarded with the application. Judges are not empowered to question the height of a Registered Small Hunter.
(v) Judges must be selected from Ridden Hunter panels.
(vi) RIHS. This Show, class 99 is a qualifier for the Longines Royal International Horse Show 2017.
(vii) PONIES(UK). This Show, Class 99 is a qualifier for the Ponies (UK) Whittakers Lord Open Hunter Supreme Championship 2016. 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed competitors in each qualifying class will qualify for the 2016 Ponies(UK) Supreme Summer Finals, Equifest and BSPA Finals plus the Ponies (UK) 2017 Winter Classic. Qualification tickets will be awarded in the ring to qualifying competitors. Placings will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions are NOT required to become Ponies (UK) members in order to enter the Ponies (UK) Championship Finals.
(viii) TSR. Class 99 is a TSR Ridden qualifier.

Order of Judging
99, C30
