Results for the Show 2016 Show.

250Holstein - Maiden Heifer, born prior to 1st April 2015 and not in calf.
251Holstein - Heifer in Calf, up to three years old on the day of the show. (Class may be split according to entries).
252Holstein - Heifer in Milk, having calved her first calf at 3 years and 3 months of age and under. (Class may be split according to entries)
253Holstein - Cow, five months in calf or more, having had one or two calves. To be shown dry or milked out. (Class may be split according to entries)
254Holstein - Cow, five months in calf or more, having had three or more calves. To be shown dry or milked out.
255Holstein - Cow, in milk, having had two calves.
256Holstein - Cow, in milk, having had three calves.
257Holstein - Cow, in milk, having had four or more calves.
C70Holstein - Best of Breed Sash, Rosette & Card & £50 and Reserve Best of Breed Rosette & Card & £25. The SAHAM Perpetual Silver Challenge Trophy (C12).
C71Holstein - Championship Card, The NORFOLK HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN BREEDERS Perpetual Challenge Trophy (C13) and Junior Champion Rosette presented by Holstein UK for the Best Holstein Heifer, in milk or in calf.
S50Holstein - The Norfolk Holstein Breeders Club Awards for the Best Udder in each class and the Holstein UK Society Rosette for the Best Udder of the Show.
S51Holstein - £30, Norfolk Special Rosette & Card and Reserve Norfolk Special Rosette & Card and The PULHAM Perpetual Challenge Cup (C14), presented by the late Mr W C Paterson, for the Best Holstein Cow or Heifer owned and bred by a Norfolk exhibitor.
S52Holstein - LP50 - Cows, entered in classes 250 - 257, that have produced 50 tonnes of milk (as defined by Holstein UK). The KING GEORGE VI Perpetual Challenge Cup (C15).
S53Holstein - Cow or Heifer, in milk or in calf, entered in classes 250 - 257, progeny of a bull proven and resident in the UK. The WILLIAM WRIGHT Perpetual Challenge Cup (C17), presented by the late Mr William Wright.
S54Holstein - Group - Female Family, Two Female descendants of one Cow, or a Cow and one Female descendant, entered in classes 250 - 257. The PATERSON Perpetual Challenge Cup (C16), presented by Mr G A Paterson, for the Best Female Family Group.
S56Holstein - Best of Breed Group of Three, owned and bred by the exhibitor and drawn from the above classes. Best Group of Three Rosette & Card and Reserve Best Group of Three Rosette & Card will be awarded.
S57Holstein - The NORFOLK HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN BREEDERS' CLUB'S Perpetual Challenge Tankard (C18), for the Best Group bred and exhibited by a member of that branch.
Genus ABS have Kindly Sponsored this Section

Judge: Mr Michael George - Pembrokeshire

Judging: Wednesday 29 June - Cattle Rings
Time to be confirmed prior to show.

Entry Fee per class: £30 (inc. VAT)

Prizes: 1st £30, 2nd £25, 3rd £20, 4th £15
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1st - 5th

Premiums: £28 will be awarded to each entry forward in the breed classes.

i) See General Conditions at the front of the Cattle Section.
ii) This section is run in accordance with the rules of Holstein UK and every animal must be registered in the Herd Book proper of Holstein UK, or Classes B or C of their Supplementary Register.
iii) To enable this section to run, a minimum of 3 exhibitors or 9 animals from 2 exhibitors is required.
