Results for the Show 2017 Show.

Skewbald and Piebald
171Skewbald & Piebald In Hand - BSPA In Hand Youngstock Qualifier - plaited
172Skewbald & Piebald In Hand - BSPA In Hand Youngstock Qualifier - natural state or hogged
173Skewbald & Piebald In Hand - BSPA In Hand Qualifier - Any age - plaited
174Skewbald & Piebald In Hand - BSPA In Hand Qualifier - any age - native, tradtional or hogged
C57Skewbald & Piebald In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best in Hand Skewbald and Piebald
175Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153 cms, plaited. 4 years old or over.
176Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153cm. Traditional & Native types (to be shown in their natural state), hogged cobs. 4 years old or over.
177Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden horses exceeding 153 cms, plaited. 4 years old or over.
178Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - (RIHS) BSPA Ridden Qualifier Open to ridden horses exceeding 153cms Traditional & Native Types (To be shown in their natural state) hogged cobs.
179Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - Open Ridden Championship Qualifier
C58Skewbald & Piebald Ridden - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the Best Ridden Piebald and Skewbald.


Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
In Hand Mrs Sandra Seward - Carmarthenshire 171 - 174 Light Horse W 07:30
Ridden Ride Ridden Conf Mr Chris Patrick - Lancashire Mrs Sandra Seward - Carmarthenshire 175 - 179 After In Hand Not before 9:00

(i) BSPA. These classes are affiliated to the British Skewbald & Piebald Association (BSPA) and are Qualifiers for The Royal International Horse Show, Hickstead 2018 and for The World Championships of Colour, National Championship Show 2017.
(ii) ALL classes will be judged within the rules and criteria of the BSPA. Copies of the rulebook & membership, horse registration & over stamping forms can be obtained from the Show Office on 01354 638226 or downloaded from
(iii) ALL owners and riders must be members of the BSPA prior to the Show in order to qualify. ALL horses and ponies must be registered with the BSPA and overstamped in order to compete. No competitor/owner/horse may compete in these classes or enter the ring without current 2017 membership of BSPA and RIHS Qualification Card.
Membership and Qualification Cards must be carried in the ring by competitors and produced as required for inspection or signature by the judge, otherwise qualification is invalid.
(iv) All In Hand classes and the Open Ridden class are open to both members and non-members of the BSPA. Horses do not need to registered with the BSPA but stallions do need to be graded.
(v) ALL ponies 153cms or under (Shetlands exempt) must possess a current JMB height certificate.
(vi) ALL STALLIONS MUST be graded and licensed by BSPA or hold a BSPA Showing Permit (contact BSPA for Stallion showing permit information) for 2017 and have a BSPA stallion ID card and wear BSPA Stallion ID Disc.
(vii) No Rider under 14 years may exhibit a stallion in any class. Rider age is taken from 1 January.
(viii) Spurs may not be worn in any pony class.
(ix) Judge will RIDE.
(x) WCC. Classes 171-174 are qualifiers for the BSPA World Championships of Colour, National Championship Show 2017. In order to qualify all owners/handlers/riders must be members of the BSPA and all horse/ponies registered with BSPA prior to the show. BSPA Qualification Cards must be produced in the ring and be signed by the Judge, otherwise qualification is invalid.
Qualification. 1-3 in all classes or 1-4 for classes exceeding 10 entries.
(xi) PONIES (UK). This Show, Classes 171-174 are qualifiers for the Ponies (UK) Commanchee Piebald/Skewbald In Hand Championship. 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed competitors in each qualifying class will qualify for the 2018 Ponies (UK) Winter Classic, Equifest 2017 and BSPS 2017 Championship Finals. Qualification tickets will be awarded in the ring to qualifying competitors. Placings will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions are NOT required to become Ponies (UK) members in order to enter the Ponies (UK) Championship Finals.
(xii) RIHS. Classes 175 - 178 are qualifiers for the BSPA Royal International Horse Show 2018. RIHS Schedules can be obtained from Qualification. 1st place will qualify and the next unqualified competitor standing 2nd or 3rd will also qualify from each class. No competitor may qualify from lower than 3rd place. BSPA Qualification sheets will be given out in the ring to qualifying position competitors.
Highest placed Amateur and highest placed Junior in each class will qualify for the Amateur and Junior Supreme Championship Finals to be held at BSPA WCC Show 2017.
(xiii) PONIES (UK). This Show, Classes 175-179 are qualifiers for the Ponies (UK) Commanchee Ridden Piebald/Skewbald Horse/Pony Championship. 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed competitors in each qualifying class will qualify for the 2018 Ponies (UK) Winter Classic, Equifest 2017 and BSPS 2017 Championship Finals. Qualification tickets will be awarded in the ring to qualifying competitors. Placings will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions are NOT required to become Ponies (UK) members in order to enter the Ponies (UK) Championship Finals.
(xiv) LIFE OF RILEY. This show, Class C58 is a qualifier for The 'Life of Riley' Supreme Ridden Coloured Championship. Champion and Reserve Champion will qualify for the final to be held at the North of England In Hand Mountain & Moorland Show on 9 July 2017.