Results for the Show 2017 Show.

333Red Poll - Maiden Heifer, born between 1st January & 31st March 2016
334Red Poll - Maiden Heifer, born between 1st April & 31st December 2016
335Red Poll - Maiden Heifer, born between 1st January & 31st March 2015
336Red Poll - Maiden Heifer, born between 1st April & 31st December 2015
337Red Poll - Heifer, in calf or with first calf at foot.
338Red Poll - Cow, in milk, in calf or with calf at foot.
339Red Poll - Dry Cow
340Red Poll - Bull, born on or after 1st January 2016.
341Red Poll - Bull, born between 1st January & 31st December 2015.
342Red Poll - Bull, born prior to 1st January 2015.
S94Red Poll - Best Sucking Calf entered in classes 332 & 333. The Red Poll Cattle Society Silver Salver.
S95Red Poll - Cow with the Best Udder entered in class 333. The East Midlands Trophy.
S96Red Poll - Best Maiden Heifer entered in classes 328 - 331. The Oaklands Trophy, kindly donated by Mrs Helen Langley.
S97Red Poll - Best Junior Bull entered in classes 335 & 336. The Montrose Perpetual Challenge Cup.
S98Red Poll - Champion Junior Animal, judged from Best Maiden Heifer and Best Junior Bull. The Sheila Clarke Memorial Trophy, kindly donated by Mr R Clark.
C106Red Poll - Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Champion Rosette & Card for the Best Red Poll Cow or Heifer. The Central Counties Red Poll Breeders Association Cup.
C107Red Poll - Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the Best Red Poll Bull. The Perpetual Challenge Cup.
C108Red Poll - Best of Breed Sash, Rosette & Card & £50 and Reserve Best of Breed Rosette & Card & £25.The BRADWELL Cup (C51), presented by the Red Poll Cattle Society for the Best Red Poll of either Sex.
S99Red Poll - £30, Norfolk Special Rosette & Card and Reserve Norfolk Special Rosette & Card for the Best Animal in the Red Poll Classes, bred and exhibited by a breeder whose herd is based at premises within the County of Norfolk.
S100Red Poll - Best Pair, bred and owned by the exhibitor. The Red Poll Cattle Society Salver.
S101Red Poll - Best of Breed Group of Three Rosette & Card and Reserve Best of Breed Group of Three Rosette & Card for the best group owned and bred by the exhibitor and drawn from the above classes. The Red Poll Cattle Society Salver.
S102Red Poll - Best Progeny Group, consisting of any three animals entered in the breed classes, bred by the same bull or the same cow. May be mixed ownership. The Red Poll Cattle Society Salver.
344Red Poll - Senior handler, 14 years or over on the first day of the Show. The Joe Huxtable Cup will be awarded to the winner.

Merial Ivomec Super has kindly sponsored this section

Judge: Mr Stephen Prescott - East Yorkshire

Judging: Wednesday 28 June - Cattle Rings

Entry Fee per class: £30 (inc. VAT)

Prizes: 1st £30, 2nd £25, 3rd £20, 4th £15
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1st - 5th

Premiums: £28 will be awarded to each entry forward in the breed classes

i) See General Conditions at the front of the Cattle Section.
ii) This section is run in accordance with the rules of the Red Poll Cattle Society.
iii) To enable this section to run, a minimum of 3 exhibitors or 9 animals from 2 exhibitors is required.
