Results for the Show 2017 Show.

Cattle Young Handlers
400Holstein - Junior Handler aged between 5 years and 12 years on 01/01/2017.
401Holstein - Intermediate Handler aged between 13 years and 15 years on 01/01/2017.
402Holstein - Senior Handler aged between 16 years and 20 years on 01/01/2017.
403Holstein - Mature Handler aged between 21 years and 26 years on 01/01/2017.
C145Championship Trophy, The MYLES and MARGARET STIMPSON MEMORIAL Trophy (C06), presented by Mrs Susan Platt for HOLSTEIN UK YOUNG BREEDERS ASSOCIATION offers Prize Card and Rosette - Championship Card and Rosette for the Best Handler.
404Other Dairy Breeds - Junior Handler aged between 5 years and 12 years on 01/01/2017.
405Other Dairy Breeds - Intermediate Handler aged between 13 years and 15 years of age on 01/01/2017.
C146Champion Other Dairy Breeds Handler. Champion Rosette & Card and Reserve Champion Rosette & Card. The G A LONG & SON Championship Trophy (C19), presented by Mr Roger Long for the Best Young Handler in the above classes.
S130East Anglian Jersey Cattle Club Shield presented to the Highest Placed Jersey Young Handler.
C147Champion Dairy Young Handler. The NICK DAIN Championship Shield (C11), presented by Nick Dain Livestock Ltd for the Champion Dairy Young Handler.
408Beef - Handler aged between 5 years and 9 years on day of show.
409ABeef - Handler aged between 10 years and 12 years on day of show.
409BBeef - Handler aged between 13 years and 14 years on day of show.
410ABeef - Handler aged between 15 years and 16 years on day of show.
410BBeef - Handler aged between 17 years and 18 years on day of show.
411Beef - Handler aged between 19 years and 21 years on day of show.
C148Champion Beef Young Handler. Champion Rosette & Card and Reserve Champion Rosette & Card. The RAY COOKE Trophy (C20), presented by the late Mr Ivan Cooke for the Champion Beef Young Handler.
S131The JOHN PLUMB Memorial Trophy presented by The Red Poll Cattle Society for the Champion or highest placed Red Poll Handler. £50 kindly sponsored by Peter Grint will also be presented.
S132East of England Winter Stock Festival Young Stock Person of the Year

Mr & Mrs K. Proctor have kindly sponsored the Holstein Young Handler section

Larking Gowen has kindly sponsored the Any Other Dairy Breed & Beef Young Handler sections

Judges: Holstein - Mr Peter Waring - Yorkshire
Other Dairy Breeds - Mr Arwyn Wilson - Wales
Beef - Mrs Melissa Irvine - Scotland

Judging: Thursday 29 June - Cattle Rings

Entry Fee: No Charge

Prizes: 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £5
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1st - 7th

i) Handlers may exhibit in one handler class only.
ii) Please note that the animal should match the size of the handler.
iii) If calves are shown, they should be from one of the calf classes overleaf. Animals shown in the Beef Young Handlers Classes 408 - 411, if not calves, should have been shown in the Beef Breed Classes or the Commercial Beef Section of this Show.
iv) All exhibitors must be able to lead, handle and control all animals. Handlers may be asked to leave the ring at the discretion of the stewards if for any reason they are deemed unsuitable.
v) Normal showing attire must be worn during judging.
vi) Bulls over 6 months are not allowed in this section.