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Results for the Show 2018 Show.
Sheep Championships, including ERNSA Classes
£125 & Supreme Championship Rosette & Card and £75 & Reserve Supreme Champion Rosette & Card. The ROYAL NORFOLK SHOW Sheep Trophy (SH21) for the Best Animal in the Breed Classes.
£200, £100, for a Matched Pair, comprising 1 male and 1 female, being the best representation of the breed. The judge will select ONLY one pair from each breed section OR one pair from each mixed section.
The EASTERN REGION NATIONAL SHEEP ASSOCIATION Trophy (SH01) for the Best Group of Three Sheep bred by the exhibitor, from the same flock and entered in the breed classes. The Group is to be of mixed sex and to include at least one lamb, excluding primitiv
The EASTERN REGION NATIONAL SHEEP ASSOCIATION RARE & PRIMITIVE Trophy (SH20) for the Best Group of Three Rare and/or Primitve Breed Sheep, bred by the exhibitor, from the same flock and entered in the breed classes.
The John Taylor Trimmed Sheep Championship. For the best animal nominated by the breed judge from all breeds where sheep are trimmed and represents the art of trimming. New Rule for 2016: Sheep are to be trimmed by the owner only.