Results for the Show 2018 Show.

Calf Classes
415Holstein - Calf born after 1st February 2018.
416Holstein - Calf, born between 1st December 2016 and 31st January 2018.
417Holstein - Calf born between 1st October and 30th November 2017.
418Holstein - Calf born between 1st August and 30th September 2017.
419Holstein - Calf born between 1st June and 31st July 2017.
420Holstein - Calf born between 1st April and 31st May 2017.
C151Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the best Holstein calf of either sex.
421Other Dairy Breeds - Calf born after 1st March 2018.
422Other Dairy Breeds - Calf, born between 1st December 2017 & 29th February 2018.
423Other Dairy Breeds - Calf born between 1st September and 30th November 2017.
424Other Dairy Breeds - Calf born between 1st May and 31st August 2017.
425Other Dairy Breeds - Calf born between 1st January and 30th April 2017.
C152Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the best Any Other Dairy calf of either sex.
426Beef Calf - Any Native Breed - Steer, Heifer or Bull up to 6 months old on day of Show
427Beef Calf - Any Continental Breed - Steer, Heifer or Bull up to 6 months old on day of Show.
428Beef Calf - Any Native Breed - Steer, Heifer or Bull 6 to 9 months old on day of Show.
429Beef Calf - Any Continental Breed - Steer, Heifer or Bull 6 to 9 months old on day of show
C153Championship Rosette & Card and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card for the best Beef calf - Native or Continental breed from the above section.
C154Championship Rosette & Card & £50 and Reserve Championship Rosette & Card & £25. The CHAPELFIELD VETERINARY PARTNERSHIP Championship Trophy (C25) for the overall Champion Calf.

Kindly Sponsored by The Chapelfield Veterinary Partnership

Judges: Holstein - Mr Edward Griffiths - SouthYorkshire
Other Dairy Breeds - Ms Sarah Liddle - North Yorkshire
Beef - Ms Ruby Wright - South Yorkshire

Judging: Thursday - Cattle Rings
Following Young Handlers Classes

Entry Fee per class: £15 (inc. VAT)

Prizes: 1st £15, 2nd £10, 3rd £5
Rosettes & cards will be awarded 1st - 7th

i) Please note that the calf should be suitable for the size of the handler.
ii) All exhibitors must be able to lead, handle and control all animals. Handlers may be asked to leave the ring at the discretion of the stewards if for any reason they are deemed unsuitable.
iii) Normal showing attire must be worn during judging.
iv) Bulls over 6 months are not allowed in this section.
v) Some of these classes could be amalgamated if insufficient entries are received.
vi) Calves shown in the Breed or Commercial Beef classes the day before are NOT eligible.