Results for the Norfolk Horse Show 2021 Show.

Hunter - Ridden HOYS
28Hunter - Ridden - (HOYS) Light Weight Show Hunter of the Year
29Hunter - Ridden - (HOYS) Middle Weight Show Hunter of the Year
30Hunter - Ridden - (HOYS) Heavy Weight Show Hunter of the Year
C19Hunter - Ridden -Championship


Class(es): 28-30
Ring/Time: Light Horse Ring, 08.15

Judges: Gill Evans, Suffolk (Confirmation)
Sean Scallan, Buckinghamshire (Ride)

Entry Fee: £40 per equine, per class (includes £15 HOYS contribution)

Prizes: No prize money will be awarded for this event.

Rosettes: 1st to 6th place, rosettes.

(i) In the Horse of the Year Show Qualifiers, Horse of the Year Show rules take precedence. Rules can be found at
This is a Horse of the Year Show Qualifier, all data given upon entry of this class is provided to Grandstand Media Limited and stored on the Grandstand Entries System. For full policy details please visit
(ii) All Ridden Hunters must be shod all round. No pads or surgical shoes are allowed.
(iii) No hind boots or bandages of any description are allowed in the collecting ring, warm up or in the actual class in Working Hunter.
(iv) Competitors must enter their horses in the appropriate sections, but if the judge considers that any exhibit in the Light Weight or Middle Weight classes is up to more than the specified weight, that exhibit will be transferred to a higher weight class.
(v) Judge will RIDE but will be asked to restrict riding to those entries selected for final consideration, having due regard to the judging time available.
Note: All data given upon entry may be provided to Breed Societies etc. for checking. (Show Regs. Para. 3)
(vi) Horse of the Year Show. These classes are qualifying competitions for the Horse of the Year Show, NEC Birmingham, 6-10 October 2021.
In the Lightweight, Middleweight, and Heavyweight classes, the highest placed, unqualified horse in the first five will qualify to enter Horse of the Year Show. No horse lower than fifth place will qualify. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. All Owners, Riders and Producers MUST be current members of the BSHA.
Horses competing at the Horse of the Year Show and qualifying shows in The Hunter sections of The Sport Horse Breeding of Great Britain classes at their Affiliated Shows cannot compete in Hack, Cobs and Riding Horse classes at the same show, on the same day and vice versa. This does not apply to SHB (GB) Ridden Sport Horse classes. Entries in these classes may not compete in the Small Show Hunter of the Year, and vice versa. Competitors must enter their horses in the appropriate sections, but section A will be judged first, and the judges shall have the power to transfer exhibits to section B or C if they deem it necessary.
(viii) NEW FOR 2021 - The first or highest placed prize winners in each Open Affiliated class will qualify to compete in the BSHA Classic of the Year Final. The finals will be held at the BSHA Hunter & National Championship Shows in September 2021.
