Results for the Show 2022 Show.

M and M - In Hand
96M & M In Hand - Miniature Shetland - Mares, 4 years old and over.
97M & M In Hand - Miniature Shetland - Stallions, 4 years old and over.
98M & M In Hand - Miniature Shetland - Fillies and Colts, Yearling.
99M & M In Hand - Miniature Shetland - Fillies and Colts, 2 and 3 years old.
100M & M In Hand - Miniature Shetland - Geldings, any age.
C30M & M In Hand - Miniature Shetland Championship
101M & M In Hand - Shetland In Hand - Mares, 4 years old and over.
103M & M In Hand - Shetland In Hand - Fillies and Colts, Yearling.
104M & M In Hand - Shetland In Hand - Fillies and Colts, 2 and 3 years old.
105M & M In Hand - Shetland In Hand - Geldings, any age.
C31M & M In Hand - Standard Shetland Championship
C32M & M In Hand - Shetland - EAST ANGLIAN SHETLAND PONY GROUP Championship
106M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - New Forest & Connemara, Mares, Stallions and Geldings, 4 years and over. Rosette for the Best Foal.
107M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - New Forest & Connemara, Fillies, Colts and Geldings. 1, 2 & 3 years old.
C33M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best New Forest or Connemara.
108M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - Fell, Highland & Dales, Mares, Stallions and Geldings, 4 years old and over.
109M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - Fell, Highland & Dales, Fillies, Colts and Geldings, 1, 2 and 3 years old
C34M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best Fell, Highland or Dales pony
110M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - Dartmoor & Exmoor, Fillies, Colts and Geldings, 1, 2 and 3 years old.
111M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - Dartmoor, Mares, Stallions and Geldings, 4 years old and over.
112M & M In Hand - Non Welsh In Hand - Exmoor, Mares, Stallions and Geldings, 4 years old and over.
C35M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best Dartmoor or Exmoor
C36M & M In Hand - Non Welsh - Group Championship
113M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section A Mares, 4 years old and over.
114M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section A Geldings, 4 years old and over.
115M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section A Fillies, Colts and Geldings, 2 and 3 years old.
116M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section A Fillies, Colts and Geldings, yearling. Special Rosette for the best yearling.
117M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section A Stallions, 4 years and over
C37M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best Welsh Section A in the above classes.
S25M & M In Hand - WPCS Bronze Medal
118M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section B Mares, 4 years old and over.
119M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section B Geldings, 4 years old and over.
120M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section B Fillies, Colts and Geldings, 2 and 3 years old.
121M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section B Fillies, Colts and Geldings, yearling. Special Rosette for the best yearling.
122M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section B Stallions, 4 years and over
C38M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best Welsh Section B in the above classes.
S26M & M In Hand -WPCS Bronze Medal
123M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section C Mares, 4 years old and over.
124M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section C Geldings, 4 years old and over.
125M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section C Fillies, Colts and Geldings, 2 and 3 years old.
126M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section C Fillies, Colts and Geldings, yearling. Special Rosette for the best yearling.
127M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section C Stallions, 4 years old and over.
C39M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best Welsh Section C.
S27M & M In Hand - WPCS Bronze Medal
128M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section D Mares, 4 years old and over.
129M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section D Geldings, 4 years old and over.
130M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section D Fillies, Colts and Geldings, 2 & 3 years old
131M & M In Hand - Welsh In Hand - Section D Fillies, Colts and Geldings, yearling. Special Rosette for the best yearling.
C40M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship Rosette for the best Welsh Section D.
S28M & M In Hand - WPCS Bronze Medal
C41M & M In Hand - Welsh - Group Championship
S29M & M In Hand - Special Rosette for the Best Welsh Youngstock and Reserve Special Rosette.
133M & M In Hand - Foal - Small Breeds
C42M & M In Hand - Championship Rosette and Reserve Championship for the Best Foal
S30M & M In Hand - The NPS/CUDDINGTON STUD M & M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
Miniature Shetland Mr Richard Miller - Carmarthenshire 96-100 Glaven W 07:30
Shetland Mr Richard Miller - Carmarthenshire 101-105 Glaven W 09:30
Non Welsh Mr Jerome Harforth - Yorkshire 106-112 Wensum B W 12:30
Welsh A, B, C & D Mr David Davies - Wales 113-132 Wensum A W 12:30
Foals Mr Jerome Harforth - Yorkshire 133-134 Wensum B W 15:30

Entry Fee: £35 per equine, per class - Classes 96-132 (not Foals)
£20 - Classes 133-134 (Foals)

Prizes: 1st £45, 2nd £35, 3rd £25, 4th £15 - Classes 96-132 (not Foals)
1st £25, 2nd £15, 3rd £5 - Classes 133-134 (Foals)

Rosettes: 1st to 6th place, rosettes.

(i) NPS Mountain and Moorland Qualifying Rounds: These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. Ponies must be registered in the main body of their respective Mountain & Moorland Stud Books. Part breds are not eligible. REGISTRATION NUMBERS MUST BE QUOTED ON ENTRY FORM.
Qualifying rounds for most NPS competitions are open to ponies owned by NPS members and non-members but only ponies owned by adult NPS Qualifying or Life members are eligible to qualify for the final of the competition at the NPS Summer Championship Show at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern from 2-4 August 2022.
NPS/POTTOFIELDS STUD M&M In Hand Summer Championships - owners do not have to be an NPS member for the pony to enter the competition, but ONLY ponies owned by NPS Qualifying or Life Members can qualify for the final. Handlers may be of any age except stallion handlers. Foals are not eligible.
(ii) All Highland Ponies must be registered in the full body of the Highland Pony Society Stud Book (including appendices A, B & C). All competing Highland pony stallions (In Hand, Ridden, WHP etc.) aged 4yrs and over should be licensed with the Highland Pony Society.
(iii) All stallions and colts, TWO years old or over, must hold a current Stallion Licence, unless otherwise governed by their individual Breed Society.
(iv) All Shetland Pony classes must be confined to SPS-BS registered ponies. Ponies must be named on the entry form and in the catalogue if one is produced. Society rosettes must only be given to ponies registered with the Society or to foals eligible for registration. Three-year-old fillies with foals at foot may not be shown. All foals must be a minimum of three weeks old on the day of the Show. IN ORDER TO ENTER A STALLION CLASS AT AN AFFILIATED SHOW, ENTIRE MALES AGED 4 YEARS OLD AND OVER MUST HAVE AN "S" NUMBER AND HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY THROUGH EITHER THE SPS-BS STALLION ASSESSMENT PRIOR TO 2006 OR THE CURRENT SPSBS VOLUNTARY VETERINARY EXAMINATION. Ridden stallions MUST display a stallion bridle badge. In Hand entire males 2 years and over are advised to display a stallion bridle badge. There must be no colts or entire males in Young Handlers classes. Children under 14 years old may not show colts (excluding foals) or entire males in In-hand classes. Children under 12 years old on the day of the show may not show entire males in ridden classes. In the interests of safety, hard hats must be worn by all handlers aged 14 years or under in In-hand classes. Exhibitors should not kneel but remain standing while in the ring. Hard hats must be worn by all exhibitors, irrespective of age, in ridden classes. Ridden and driven ponies must be 4 years old or over. In ridden Classes, if a rider falls off at any time whilst in the ring, both pony and rider must leave the ring, rider dismounted, and take no further part.
(v) Dartmoor. Please note 3 year old colts DO need a stallion licence.
(vi) The Association reserves the right to amalgamate classes if there are insufficient entries forward.
Note: All data given upon entry may be provided to Breed Societies etc. for checking. (Show Regs. Para. 3)
(vii) UK Ponies & Horses. This Show is a qualifier for the UK Ponies & Horses M&M In Hand Gold Medal Series Championship. Mountain & Moorland, Stallion, Colt, Filly, Mare or Gelding, any age, registered with their approved Pure Breed Society Stud Books of Connemara, Dartmoor, Dales, Exmoor, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Shetland, Welsh Section A, B, C and D. 1st, 2nd & 3rd placed competitors in classes 96-134 will qualify for the Gold Medal Series at the UK Ponies & Horses Spring Classic 2023. Placings will be confirmed by results sent in by the Show Secretary. Competitors in qualifying positions are NOT required to become UKPH members in order to enter the UK Ponies & Horses Spring Classic.
(viii) The British Connemara Pony Society Tam O'Shanter Breeding Qualifiers. Open to Connemara ponies in Class 106 and 107.
The three highest placings will qualify for each age group, yearlings, 2 year olds and 3 year olds (9 qualifiers). The Broodmare class is open to ALL MARES. The three highest placed mares will qualify (3 qualifiers). Qualification will not pass lower down than 6th place if those above have already qualified. Qualification cards ONLY will be given out in the ring. Qualification rosettes will be given out at the Annual BCPS Breed Show. The finals will be held at the Annual BCPS Breed Show 2022.
The highest placed BCPS member in C33 will qualify for the James Family Championship at the Annual BCPS Breed Show 2022.
(ix) NPS/POTTOFIELDS STUD M&M In Hand Summer Championships (MM-IH).
Classes 96-134 NPS M&M In Hand Qualifying Rounds.
(x) NPS/CUDDINGTON STUD M&M In Hand Silver Medal Rosette Championship (SM-MMIH).
NPS Silver Medal Rosette Championships: These classes are judged under the Rules of the NPS. NPS Silver Medal Rosettes are only awarded when the owner of the champion pony is a Qualifying or Life member of the NPS. A valid membership card must be in the rider's/handler's possession on entering the ring and be produced immediately on request by either the judge or the steward. If the owner of the Champion pony is not a member, or the owner's membership card is not immediately produced, the rosette may be awarded to the Reserve Champion provided they have the required membership card. If the Champion pony has previously qualified it is still entitled to the Silver Medal Rosette but the qualification card goes to the Reserve Champion pony, provided the owner of that pony is a member of the NPS. The Silver Medal Rosette and the qualification card can be awarded no lower than first Reserve (third). Foals are not eligible for Silver Medal Championships.
Qualifiers are entitled to compete in the final of the Silver Medal Rosette Championship to be held at the NPS Summer Championship Show at the Three Counties Showground, Malvern from 2-4 August 2022.
(xi) The Exmoor Pony of the Year In Hand Qualifier. The highest placed Exmoor Pony (Both Senior and Youngstock) in Championship class (C36) will qualify for 'The Exmoor Pony of the Year' and the Exmoor Pony Society will offer a special qualifying rosette and card. The final will take place at Rugby RC Showground as part of the Midlands Area Show. This final is only open to members of the Exmoor Pony Society and non-members may join the Society when they return their qualifying card.
(xii) WPCS. This is a Welsh Pony and Cob Society (WPCS) Performance Sire Ratings Show.
(xii) The National Welsh Championship Show 2022 - National Section A, B, C & D In-Hand Championships sponsored by Greenlands Insurance Services Ltd. The Section Champion & Reserve (not already qualified) from C37. C38, C39 & C40 qualify to enter.
(xii) The National Welsh Championship Show 2022 - National Gelding In-Hand Championship sponsored by Sarum Investments Ltd. All 1st & 2nd placed WPCS registered geldings in relevant classes (not already qualified) qualify to enter.
(xiii) These classes are affiliated to the British Palomino Society Cream of the Crop Championship. The highest placed Cream Dilute (buckskin, cremello, palomino etc.) in each class will qualify for the final. You do not need to be a member to compete in this series.
(xiv) TSR Classes 96-134 are TSR In Hand qualifiers.