Results for the Show 2022 Show.

Sport Horse
184Sport Horse In Hand - Yearling Potential Sport Horse, Open to any Colt, Gelding or Filly foaled in preceeding year
185Sport Horse In Hand - Two Year Old Potential Sport Horse, Open to any Colt, Gelding or Filly foaled two years previously.
186Sport Horse In Hand - Three Year Old Potential Sport Horse, Open to any Colt, Gelding or Filly foaled three years previously.
188Sport Horse In Hand - Sport Horse Foal : Open to a colt or filly foaled in the current year. Foals must be at least 4 weeks old on the day of the show.
C56Sports Horse In Hand - Championship
189Sport Horse Flat Ridden - 4,5 and 6 Year old Flat Ridden Sport Horse
C57Sport Horse Flat Ridden - Championship.

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
In Hand & Ridden Mr John Newborough - Lincolnshire 184-189 Waveney W 15:00

Entry Fee: £35 per equine, per class.

Prizes: 1st £45, 2nd £35, 3rd £25, 4th £15.

Rosettes: 1st to 6th place, rosettes.

(i) These classes are held under Sport Horse Breeding of GB 2022 rules.
(ii) Hat Rules. Correctly secured Skull Caps or Riding Hats, conforming to the current BSI or European Standard or higher MUST be worn AT ALL TIMES by Judges, Competitors or anyone mounted on a horse or pony whilst on the Showground. Such headgear must be worn with the chinstrap correctly and securely fastened at all times. See conditions at front of schedule.
(iii) ALL entries must be registered with SHB(GB). Owners and riders DO NOT have to be current members of SHB(GB) in order to compete in In Hand Classes. Day Ticket = £36 (this entitles competitors to compete at a maximum of 2 show's in the year at £36 per show - it covers owner and rider membership together with horse registration for that show). If the class is a qualifying class for RIHS, in order for the qualification to be valid, application for full owner/rider membership and horse registration must be received in the SHB(GB) office within 14 days.
(iv) These classes are for young athletic horses that have the conformation and movement to go to the top of their sphere and for Brood Mares capable of producing the aforementioned.
(v) Each horse is judged individually on a triangle (except foals) and walked round the ring as a class.
(vi) Marks are awarded for conformation, walk, trot and type and temperament.
(vii) Shows must select Sports Horse Judges from the Sport Horse Panel.
(viii) The Leader who enters the ring with the horse must remain throughout the class.
(ix) All entries in Sport Horse classes must be on the Society's Basic Identity Record or Stud Book.
(x) Any exhibitor in charge of an entire must ensure they are in complete control at all times and if not will be dismissed from the ring.
(xi) The Society discourages the showing of over fat horses and judges will take this into consideration when making their awards.
(xii) Manners will be taken into account in In Hand Sport Horse classes.
(xiii) Led hunters must be in plain leather bridles. Three year olds must be shown in bits. Yearlings and two year olds must be shown in snaffle buts only. Foals should just have leather head collars.
(xiv) Foal may be shown without mare.
Note: All data given upon entry may be provided to Breed Societies etc. for checking. (Show Regs. Para. 3)
(xv) TSR. Classes 184-188 are TSR In Hand qualifiers.
Classes 189 is a TSR Ridden qualifier.

