Results for the Show 2022 Show.

Working Hunter - Novice
200Working Hunter - Novice - Novice Working Hunter

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
Ride Mrs Clare Poole - Gloucestershire 200 Light Horse T 10:30
Conf. Mr John Newborough - Lincolnshire

ALL COMPETITORS MUST DECLARE at the Light Horse Commentary Box by 10:00 hours.

Course Builder: Michael Bainbridge
Assistant Course Builders: Toby Bancroft & Charlotte Peasley

Entry Fee: £35 per equine, per class.

Prizes: 1st £45, 2nd £35, 3rd £25, 4th £15.

Rosettes: 1st to 6th place, rosettes.

(i) BSHA. Held under the rules of the British Show Horse Association.
(ii) These classes are open to members and non-members of the British Show Horse Association.
(iii) Hat Rules. Correctly secured Skull Caps or Riding Hats, conforming to the current BSI or European Standard or higher MUST be worn AT ALL TIMES by Judges, Competitors or anyone mounted on a horse or pony whilst on the Showground. Such headgear must be worn with the chinstrap correctly and securely fastened at all times. See conditions at front of schedule.
(iv) No hind boots or bandages of any description are allowed in the collecting ring, warm up or in the actual class in Working Hunter..
(v) Judge will RIDE but the Judge will NOT jump horses in Working Hunter classes. Horses must not be ridden by the Judge in the same ring and at the same time as other horses are jumping.
Note: All data given upon entry may be provided to Breed Societies etc. for checking. (Show Regs. Para. 3)
(vi) IRISH DRAUGHT. This show is a Qualifier for the IDHS (GB) £2,000 RIDDEN CHALLENGE. The highest placed horse (not already qualified) from Class 200 (Novice Working Hunter) that is registered or eligible for registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Register, i.e. with a minimum of 25% proven Irish Draught breeding, will qualify for the Final of the IDHS (GB) £2,000 Ridden Challenge. Horses need NOT be registered with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but MUST BE on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of the Championship which will be held at the IDHS (GB) Annual Breed Show on 13-14 August 2022 at Onley Grounds Equestrian Complex. Note: A horse may only qualify for the Final ONCE, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or entered. Each qualifier will receive a card. Qualifiers are required to complete an online form at to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the Final. In the Final, the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money and a trophy. The Reserve Champion will be awarded £500 and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Pure Bred Irish Draught will receive a trophy and £100, the highest placed Sport Horse will receive a trophy and £50.
(vii) TSR. Class 200 is a TSR Ridden qualifier.
