Results for the Show 2022 Show.

Private Driving & Coaching
210Private Driving - Exercise Vehicle
212Private Driving - Vintage - Two & Four Wheeled Vintage Vehicle
213Private Driving - Concours d'Elegance
214Private Driving - Private Driving - Family Produced Turnout
215Private Driving - Private Driving - Mountain and Moorland
216Private Driving - Private Driving - Non-Hackney Type, 13.2hh (138cm)and under
217Private Driving - Private Driving - Non-Hackney Type, over 13.2hh (138 cm)
218Private Driving - Private Driving - Hackney Type
C68Private Driving Championship
S42Private Driving - Horse of the Year Show Qualifier
219Private Driving - Coaching Marathon
220Private Driving - Coachman Class

Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time
Private Driving Mrs Michelle Peters - Carmarthenshire 210-218 (excl. 213) Wensum W 08:00
Concours d'Elegance Miss Lara Mullis - Norfolk 213 After class 212
Coaching Mr John Peacock - Essex 219 Grand Ring W 12:50
220 TH 13:20

Entry Fees: £30 (Including VAT) - Classes 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 219 & 220.
£46 (Including VAT & £16 HOYS Contribution) - Classes 216, 217 & 218.

Entries in all sections will be subject to space and availability.

Prizes: 1st £45, 2nd £35, 3rd £25, 4th £15 - Classes 210-212 & 214-218.
1st £60, 2nd £40 - Class 213 (Concours d'Elegance).
Champion £100, Reserve Champion £50 - Championship C68.

Rosettes: 1st to 6th place rosettes.


CLOSING DATE for Private Driving entries is THURSDAY 19 MAY 2022

There is a provisional timetable (subject to change) at the front of this prize schedule. Please ensure you know the correct time and ring for your classes. All Private Driving Classes will be judged on Wednesday. Coaching classes will take place on both days. Please refer to the RNAA website for any updates. It is colour-coded for your convenience. Private Driving & Coaching classes are shown in 'Lime Green'.

Exhibitors should arrive at the Showground in good time, making allowance for any possible traffic delays. Exhibitors may depart after their class has been judged. Gates will be open 14:00 - 20:00 (Tues) and 05:30 - 20:00 (Weds & Thurs). Arrivals outside of these hours may be possible by prior arrangement only.

An equine passport, containing an up-to-date vaccination record (Equine Influenza), must accompany every horse (including ponies, donkeys and other equidae) attending The Royal Norfolk Show. Random checks by The Association's Veterinary Officers WILL be made before and during the Show.


All persons entering the Showground, including the drivers of livestock and horse boxes must have a valid e-ticket or pass otherwise they will be required to pay the full price of admission at the entrance gate to the Showground.

Exhibitor Packs & Tickets
Exhibitor Packs, including e-tickets will be sent via EMAIL approximately 14 days prior to the Show. Please ensure you submit the correct email address when making your entry. Vehicle passes must be printed and clearly displayed in your vehicle to gain access to the Light Horse Horsebox Parking Area. E-tickets must be exchanged for Wristbands at the Light Horse Stable Manager's Office. Please allow enough time to do this, bearing in mind there may be queues at peak times. Wristbands must be worn to gain entry to the Showground & Competition Rings from the Horsebox Parking Area. There will be no exceptions!

Wristband Collection Times
From the Stable Manager's Office (by the Light Horse Stables)
Tuesday 28th June: 1400 to 2000
Wednesday 29th June: 0600 to 2000
Thursday 30th June: 0600 to 1600

Exhibitor Numbers
Exhibitors in Private Driving & Coaching classes must provide their own number. THESE WILL NOT BE PROVIDED BY THE SHOW. There will be a template available on the Royal Norfolk Show website, or exhibitors may choose to wear reusable back numbers.

Admission Wristband Entitlement & Vehicle Passes
Please note ALL tickets will only be valid for day of class/es and not subsequent show day.

Wristbands will be provided for the day of your class.
Private Driving admission wristband allocation is based on the number of equines entered, not on the number of classes entered.

Numbers of equines entered Number of Admission Wristbands Number of Vehicle passes
1 Equine 3 2
2 Equines 4 2
3 Equines 5 2
4 Equines 6 2
5 Equines 6 2
6 Equines / Combos 6 2

Extra admission passes, valid for either day of the Show, can be purchased at the cost of £24 (including VAT) per wristband. Extra vehicle passes can be purchased at the rate of £20 each (including VAT).


Please Note. Immediately, on receipt of your e-tickets, exhibitors are asked to check the number of e-tickets and vehicle passes are correct. No tickets or duplicate tickets/passes will be issued after Thursday 23 June 2022. No duplicate tickets or passes will be issued during the Show period free of charge.

Security will be present and any exhibitor/s found displaying counterfeit passes may be removed from the Show and any money which maybe due to them will be forfeited and further entry refused.

· Stables MUST be booked in advance at the time of making entries.
· Stables will be charged at the fee of £60 (including VAT) per stable per night OR a duration fee of £90 (including VAT) per stable.
· There will be no refund on cancellation. Also see Additional General Information 15 (Refunds).
· Stables are non-transferable between entrants and a refund will only be made to the name under which the stable is booked.
· Stables must be left clean and tidy on departure. Exhibitors will be fined £20 per dirty stable, which will be deducted from any prize money due or invoiced separately after the Show.
· It must be made clear when booking stables, if any stables are required specifically for Stallions or Mare & Foal.
Stabling can be booked for the following periods:
DURATION STABLING From 14:00 Tuesday 28 June until 09:00 Friday 1 July at £90 (including VAT) per stable.
TUESDAY NIGHT STABLING From 14:00 Tuesday 28 June until 14:00 Wednesday 29 June at £60 (including VAT) per stable.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT STABLING From 16:00 Wednesday 29 June until 16:00 Thursday 30 June at £60 (including VAT) per stable.

Please note that bedding & forage are NOT provided in the Light Horse stables, but can be purchased from EH Haylage for delivery at the Show. Bedding and Hay/Haylage must be ORDERED IN ADVANCE from EH Haylage through their dedicated online shop here:
Orders must be placed by Friday 17th June for delivery at the Show. Collection of pre-ordered bedding & forage will be available near the Light Horse Stable Manager's Office until 8pm on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings and during the day on Thursday.

(i) See also General Conditions at front of Horse Section.
(ii) All equines entered in these classes must be four years old or over. Equine names must be stated on entry forms.
(iii) Competitors must hold Third Party insurance cover.
(iv) Competitors are required to have an assistant walking beside their exhibit in Showground Avenues, and to be in attendance in the ring. Non-compliance of this regulation will invite disqualification.
(v) The Association reserves the right to amalgamate classes if insufficient entries in any class.
(vi) Young Drivers are requested to wear white armbands. Young Drivers under 18 years of age must be accompanied in the vehicle by a competent groom aged 18 years and over at all times.
(vii) Horses may be transferred between classes at the sole discretion of the judge.
Note: All data given upon entry may be provided to Breed Societies etc. for checking. (Show Regs. Para. 3)
(viii) Open Private Driving Championship 2022. This is a Victoria Food Company Open Private Driving Championship Qualifier. The Champion will qualify for the Grand Final to be held to be held at the Victoria Foods Carriage Driving Extravaganza Show on 10/11 September 2022 at Bury Farm, Buckinghamshire. Prize money will be awarded at this Grand Final as follows: Supreme Champion £200, Reserve Champion £150, third place £100 and fourth place £50. In the event that the Champion has already qualified then the Reserve Champion may qualify. If the Reserve Champion has also qualified, the rosette to be awarded back to the Champion. Once qualified, the horse, whip and vehicle may not be changed. All exhibitors should acquaint themselves with the Victoria Food Company rules at
(ix) Horse of the Year Show. Classes 216, 217 and 218 are qualifiers for C68 and S42. This Show is a qualifier for the Harness Horse and Pony of the Year Championship - Horse of the Year Show, NEC, Birmingham 5th - 9th October 2022. The champion will qualify, if already qualified then the next competitor down the line, who has not already qualified in 2022, will qualify for Horse of the Year Show 2022. Qualification will not pass below 6th place. Qualification will be verified by the Horse of the Year Show office. The qualifying turnout MUST be owned and driven by BDS members.
(x) Exercise Vehicle Championship 2022. Class 210. This is a Victoria Food Company Exercise Vehicle Championship Qualifier. The Champion will qualify for the Grand Final to be held on 10/11 September 2022 at Bury Farm, Buckinghamshire. In the event that the Champion or first place in the class has already qualified then the Reserve Champion or the second placing to qualify. If the Reserve or second has also qualified, the rosette to be awarded back to the Champion or first place. Once qualified, the horse, whip and vehicle may not be changed. All exhibitors should acquaint themselves with the Victoria Food Company rules at

Definitions for Private Driving Section

1. Novice Horse/Pony means an animal which has not won first prize or first prize rosette, in harness prior to the 1st January in the year of the Show.
2. Traditional Vehicle means a vehicle of traditional profile and identifiable type, to resemble the design of a carriage built prior to the First World War. The vehicle may be made from modern materials but must have traditional-style springing, wheels and carriage lamps.
3. Unless specified the best horse(s)/pony(ies) irrespective of size, should be correctly and smartly harnessed to a sound, suitable and well-maintained traditional-type vehicle, suitable for a competent whip to drive on the road.
Hackney show wagons, trade turnouts and exercise vehicles are not eligible.
4. Vintage vehicles are defined as genuine, old, preserved or restored traditional vehicles.