Results for the Show 2022 Show.
Rising Stars - Cob, Hunter, Hack/Riding Horse
RISING STARS Cob, Hunter, Hack/Riding Horse Section Judge Class/es Ring Day Time Rising Stars Mr Tim Wiggett - Northamptonshire 171 - 173 Glaven T 13:30 Entry Fee: £35 per equine, per class Prizes: 1st £45, 2nd £35, 3rd £25, 4th £15. Rosettes: 1st to 6th place, rosettes. Conditions: (i) BSHA. Held under the rules of the British Show Horse Association (BSHA). Open to Non-Members and those with no more than three years BSHA Membership. Owners, Riders and Horses, are not required to be Members of the British Show Horse Association in-order to compete in the BSHA Rising Star qualifying classes, the Rising Star Finals will require a day ticket. (ii) These classes are specifically aimed at those Horses and Riders who are not regularly qualifying for the major Championship Shows and wish to improve. (iii) Riders must not have competed at The Royal International Horse Show or The Horse of the Year Show, with the exception of the BSHA RIHS Amateur classes pre-2022 or SEIB Search for a Star. (iv) Open to Horses which are stabled at home or in a DIY or non-show yard. (v) Horses to be ridden by an Amateur, please see the current BSHA Rule Book; this does not exclude receiving lessons from a Professional showing person. (vi) No Professional is allowed to ride, to work-in (in any form), compete, or enter the Ring to groom/strip the Horse. (vii) Failure to abide by the Rules may result in ineligibility to compete at the BSHA National Championship Show in any class. (viii) The Judge will ride ALL the exhibits in the final, but not at the qualifier. (ix) To register for the Supreme Final at the BSHA National Championships Show on the 10th September you must upload your details on the BHSA website using the details on the back of the qualifying rosette. Note: All data given upon entry may be provided to Breed Societies etc. for checking. (Show Regs. Para. 3) Qualifiers: (x) BSHA. The two highest placed Horses, not already qualified in the Rising Star classes, will qualify for the Rising Star Finals, to be held at The BSHA National Championship Show in September 2022. (xi) TSR. Classes 171-173 are TSR Ridden qualifiers. Order of Judging Please note classes will run 172 (Cob) followed by 173 (Hunter) and finishing with 171 (Hacks & Riding Horses). Class: |