Results for the Show 2012 Show.

135     Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden Ponies not exceeding 153 cms Traditional Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
2804  Smith , Mr A  DOMINO FLASHY LAD 
2801  Keeble, Mrs E  FUMANCHU 
2799  Marven, Miss D  BILLY ONIONS 
2805  Gooderham, Miss Lucy  STANDING OVATION 
2798  Bishop, Mrs C  MISS DYNAMITE 
BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden ponies not exceeding 153cm. Traditional & Native types (to be shown in their natural state), hogged cobs. 4 years old or over. No spurs to be worn. Judge will not ride, display required, no Leading Reins permitted. Rider any age