Results for the Show 2012 Show.

203     Holstein - Heifer in Calf, not more than three years old on the day of the show. (Classes 161 & 162 may be split according to entries) Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
119  Worstead Farms Ltd - Lyngate  LYNGATE SEPTEMBER STAR JENNY 
113  Taylor & Partners, R G L - Streamlet  STREAMLET JULIAN LIZZIE RED 
40  Cole E S & Sons Ltd - Winfarthing  WINFARTHING SHOTTLE GLORY 133 
17  Burroughs & Son, E S - Wheatacre  WHEATACRE LAUTHORITY ANTIQUITY 
Heifer in Calf, not more than three years old on the day of the show.
(Class may be split according to entries)