Results for the Show 2013 Show.

49     Pure Bred Arab Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over.Special Rosette for Best Foal & Arab Horse Society Rosette for class winner. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
545  Windle-Baker, Ms Pippa  WEGAZA (PL) 
548  Clack, Mrs E  MOLOKO 
550  Tyler Mr & Mrs D  H T NAFEICA 
546  Carr, Mr & Mrs M E  CRYSTAL SAPPHIRE 
547  Clack, Mrs E  RABAH 
Pure Bred Arab Mare or Gelding, 4 years old or over.
Arab Horse Society Rosette for class winner & for Best Gelding. Special Rosettes presented by the Norfolk & Suffolk Regional Group of the Arab Horse Society, for the h ighest placed paid up member of the Group. Members to wear white armbands.