Results for the Show 2013 Show.

C77     Aberdeen Angus - Championship Sash, £50 Breed Champion Rosette & Card (£25 Reserve Breed Champion Rosette & Card ) Tartan Sash given by the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society, and in Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
1222  Shadwell Estate Company Ltd  SHADWELL LADY HEATHER 
1201  Hardwick Farms - Hawstead Lodge  HAWSTEAD LODGE PETER 
Championship Sash, £50 & Breed Champion Rosette & Card, (£25 Reserve Breed Champion Rosette & Card) Tartan Sash given by the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society, and the Society will award a Special Commemorative Aberdeen-Angus medal to the Champion, and the BOVRIL Perpetual Challenge Cup, presented by Messrs. Bovril Ltd., for the Best Aberdeen Angus of either sex.