Results for the Show 2013 Show.

C89     Hereford - Championship Sash, £50 Breed Champion Rosette & Card, (£25 Reserve Breed Champion Rosette & Card ), Perpetual ROSE BOWL, presented by Chapman & Frearson Ltd., and the Midlands and East Anglia Hereford Breeders' Association Rosette for the Bes Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
1338  Cobley, Mr Peter  KINGSLEE JACK POT 
1339  Cobley, Mr Peter  KINGLEE MISS J88 
Championship Sash, £50 Breed Champion Rosette & Card, (£25 Reserve Breed Champion Rosette & Card ), Perpetual ROSE BOWL, presented by Chapman & Frearson Ltd., and the Midlands and East Anglia Hereford Breeders' Association Rosette for the Best Hereford of either sex.