Results for the Show 2014 Show.

37     Ridden Heavy Horse class - Any Heavy Horse Breed Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
850  Cass , Mr G  KENTWELL PAIGLE 
851  Reid, Miss Nicola  DAWNHILL CASTLETON 
852  Ireland, Mr W R  EYKE DIAMOND 
858  Toomer Harlow , Wendy  HORSEMANS ACE CARD 
Ridden Heavy Horse - Any Pure bred Heavy Horse breed - Shire, Suffolk Percheron or Clydesdale. All entrants will be expected to show obedience and acceptance of aids, good manners, perform movements in correct manner, be a good representative of the breed & be well turned out with well-fitting tack. Mane flights are not advisable. Riding Hats conforming to current safety standards must be worn as per Condition 6c of Horse Conditions.
This class is a qualifier for the highest placed ridden registered in the main British Stud Books at the time of qualification. Qualifier for Kilmannan Ridden Heavy Horse Championship to be held at Equifest on the 16th & 17th August.2014.