Results for the Show 2015 Show.

157     Skewbald & Piebald - BSPA RIHS Qualifier Ridden Ponies not exceeding 153 cms plaited Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
772  Teverson, Mrs Amber  LUCKY V 
768  Gibbs, Miss Lily  BELLA BELLAGIO 
771  Smythe, Mrs Rachel  SHAKIRA 38 
770  Marven, Miss D  MAYBE MAISIE 
769  Lawrence, Sandra  HERONSAW PAINTED LADY 
BSPA RIHS Ridden Qualifier
Open to ridden ponies not exceeding 153 cms, plaited. 4 years old or over.
NO spurs to be worn. NO Leading Reins permitted.
Rider any age. Judge will NOT ride. Display required.
RIHS Qualification cards will be given out in the ring.
BSPA Qualifying Sash to the two qualifiers.
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