Results for the Show 2017 Show.

C303     Best of Breed Sash, Rosette & Card & £50 and Reserve Best of Breed Rosette & Card & £25 for the Best Exhibit in the above classes. The NORFOLK SHEEP CLUB Trophy (SH16), presented by the Norfolk Sheep Club, for the Best Exhibit in the above classes. Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
758  McDowell, Miss Gaynor  Bluetexel 
729  McDowell, Miss Gaynor  Bluetexel 
Best of Breed Sash, Rosette & Card & £50 and Reserve Best of Breed Rosette & Card & £25 for the Best Exhibit in the above classes. The NORFOLK SHEEP CLUB Trophy (SH16), presented by the Norfolk Sheep Club, for the Best Exhibit in the above classes.