Results for the Show 2017 Show.

109     M & M - FIRST RIDDEN - (HOYS) Brineton/Kare Plus M&M First Ridden Championship Results
Prize Cat. No Cat. Name Details
610  Cox, Mrs Janet  AMESBURY LUCY LOCKET 
608  Burchell, Mrs Joanne  ROWFANTINA ROYAL OCCASION 
628  Sharifi, Warren  THISTLEDOWN LIVIUS 
618  Kozersky, Mrs Katrina  HISLEY CALYPSO 
609  Chaplin, Mrs Anna  WAULKMILL REDSTART 
626  Regan, Cassie  LLAFAR LOCOMOTION 
622  Neve, Miss Barbara  UPHILL MEGAN FOX 
632  Spilman Penn, Mrs Tilly  WAXWING TYPHOON 
611  Crump, Mrs Serena  COLNE TYPHOON 
633  Stanley, Michael  MONKFIELD HUNTSMAN 
Brineton/Kare Plus Mountain & Moorland First Ridden Championship
Horse of the Year Show Qualifier
Open to registered Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, New Forest, Welsh Section A or B mares and geldings four years old or over not exceeding 128 cm however ponies must also NOT exceed the height limits as stipulated by the relevant Breed Societies. Riders must have attained their 3rd birthday by the day of the competition, but not reached their 12th birthday before the 1st January in the current year.
NPS/Rosettes Direct Home Produced Ridden Championship - wear white arm bands.
Rosettes will be awarded 1st-10th. Highly Commended Rosettes will be awarded down the line.
Shetland Pony Stud Book Society Rosette to highest placed Shetland.

This class is a qualifier for Brineton/Kare Plus Mountain & Moorland First Ridden Pony of the Year Championship (HOYS)
This class is a qualifier for BSPS Heritage Industrial Salt Supplies WOW Factor (Winner of Winners) and a qualifier for BSPS Challenge at the BSPS Summer Championship Show.
This class is a qualifier for Ponies (UK) Brineton M&M First Ridden Championship.
This class is a qualifier for NPS/Showing Classics M&M First Ridden National Championship at the NPS Summer Championship Show.